part 17

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Benny's pov

Me and ethan were in his bedroom playing video games but i kept thinking about mikayla and why she wanted to steal rory away from evie, ethan was going through his texts with mikayla while texting sarah and it was annoying me

" Mikayla only wants rory because he's with evie " i said to ethan as he was texting sarah

" Yeah, she doesn't actually like him " ethan said as i scoffed

" What's sarah doing? " I asked ethan

" She's hanging out with erica at a blood buffet " ethan said as i rolled my eyes

I got up and went downstairs to make a sandwich when mikayla came into the kitchen and smiled at me

" What do you want mikayla? " I asked her

" Where's Ethan? " Mikayla asked me

" Your a witch " i said to her

" No im not " mikayla said

" Rory only likes you cause he thinks your a nice person and care about him, you dated him cause he annoyed you and now that he has a girlfriend you want to break them are a witch " i said to her

" I care about him and he cares about me, ethan is in love with sarah " mikayla said

" Ill see you later " i said as mikayla rolled her eyes and left

Mikaylas pov

Late at night i went home and grabbed my cellphone and texted rory but he wasn't answering me, the next morning i got up and got ready and headed to school as i seen evie and rory holding hands so i just stared at him, later i walked up to rory and evie and smiled at rory who smiled back

" Wanna hang tonight? " I asked him

" Im hanging with evie tonight, maybe later " rory said as him and evie walked away

I went back home after school and layed on my bed thinking as i seen my guitar laying down in its case so i got up and grabbed it and sat back down on my bed and began strumming some tunes that i knew, i grabbed my notebook and started writing down some notes and strummed my guitar and smiled. The next morning i went over and knocked on Ethan's door and when he opened it he wanted to shut the door but i talked to him and he groaned and let me in as he walked to his living room and i followed him and sarah was sitting on the couch with a small blanket over her legs while watching tv, when sarah seen me she took the blanket off her legs and stood up and got in my face as i backed up with a smile

" Get out! " Sarah said hissing at me with her fangs

" Sarah, she just wants to show me something " ethan said as i smirked at sarah

" Yeah, i just wanna show him something" i said as sarah got angry

" Fine, then leave " sarah said as i smiled and sat down and ethan sat next to me

" I got bored and wrote this song " i said as ethan looked confused as i started strumming the guitar strings and sarah seemed annoyed and walked away as i sang my song and Ethan wasn't really impressed

" What? " I said embarrassed

" That was a song? That sounds like something my little sister jane would write with a crayon " ethan said getting up as i stood up and sarah walked back over to us

" But " i said hurt

" Ethan will talk to you later " sarah said pushing me out

I went home and went upstairs and placed my guitar in the hallway closet as i began feeling sick to my stomach but i ignored it, the next morning i got dressed and me and evie walked to school together and when i walked up to my locker i began feeling nauseous

" Rory and me have been amazing...our rat dates are the best " evie said noticing me holding my stomach

" Mikayla? " Evie asked me

I ran into the bathroom and into the stall and threw up a bit as evie looked at me weirdly as i rinsed my mouth

" It was something i ate for breakfast.." i said as she smiled at me

" Okay, ill see you in art class then " evie said as i stayed in the bathroom after she left and went home feeling sick

Sarah and erica came over and they talked with me

" So you and rory did it? " Erica asked me in disgust

" She did it with rory okay lets grab a bite to eat " sarah said annoyed

" I didn't do it with rory, i did it with ethan " i said as Sarah was in shock and erica got disgusted

" What?? " Sarah asked me slowly turning around to me

" Nothing, i did it with rory " i said lying through my teeth

" Maybe you should stay home from school tomorrow " erica said as i glanced at her

" I can't and I can't stay home from work tomorrow was just something i ate " i said embarrassed as erica and sarah nodded and left my room as i layed on my bed

The next morning at my locker ethan was talking to sarah and benny was staring at me along with rory and i loved rory alot but he's so in love with evie

" Mikayla " benny said walking up to me

" Yeah? " I said

" Do you still like rory? " Benny asked me as i was nervous

" Why? " I asked him

" Because he still likes you and so does ethan that's why ethan doesnt want you with rory " benny said as i rolled my eyes

" Ethan doesn't like me because he didn't like the song i wrote for him " i said as benny was smiling

" Wow, you wrote ethan a can sing " benny asked me as i was embarrassed

" Alittle, but ethan is in love with sarah and rory has a girlfriend besides there is a guy that i love " i said to benny

" Mikayla i know i flirted with your best friend but i would never cheat on you...i love you " benny said sweetly as he walked away and i closed my locker

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