part 13

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Mikaylas pov

After my break up with benny i felt happier not being with him because i felt like he was just using me for attention, i know me and ethan have been getting closer but i kinda missed spending time with rory, i tried finding him during school but he was out with his new girlfriend. I seen ethan and benny talking to each other by the lockers so i walked up to them and they rolled their eyes when they seen me

" Look who it is " ethan said pointing to me as benny sighed in annoyance

" What do you want mikayla? " Benny asked me

" Have you guys seen rory? " I asked them as they shook their heads

" Oh, come on...i know your mad at me but im sorry...look, i wanted to spend some time with rory since we're friends but I can't find him " i said as ethan and benny looked at me in annoyance

" Fine, I'll find him myself " i said walking away knowing benny and ethan were mad at me but i knew rory wouldn't be

I walked through the hallways searching for rory when i found him by the principals office with a girl with long blue hair, i was gonna walk up to them until i seen her kiss him on the lips and i felt something inside me kinda break as my smile turned to a frown so i walked away and left school and slowly walked home. During my walk rory supersped up next to me and i kinda smiled when i seen him

" Hey, where were you? " Rory asked me walking with me

" I left school early because I wasn't feeling well " i said lying to rory as he handed me my phone that i dropped in the hallway

" Oh...thanks " i said feeling embarrassed

" Your welcome, i was wondering if you wanted to come hang with me at Ethan's house for a bit... we're playing video games " rory said smiling as we stopped in front of my house

" No, look i know about your new girlfriend " i said turning him down

" You know about hannah?? " Rory said as his smile turned to a frown

" Yeah, i know about your I can't hang out with you " i said as rory felt bummed out

" Why not? Your my friend " rory said as i rolled my eyes

" Because girlfriends usually don't like it when their boyfriends hang out with other girls.... besides ethan and benny are mad at me " i said as rory didn't care

" I dont care, but why are they mad at you? " Rory said confused

" Because i was secretly talking to jesse before " i said as rory was confused

" Are you mad at me? " I asked him as he seemed angry at me

" Kinda, but i dont get why you can't hang out with me just because of hannah  " rory said to me

" Bye rory " i said as he flew away in confusion as i went inside my house

While i was in my room studying my math book i got several text from hannah telling me to stay away from rory during and after school, i cried half the night the next day at school when hannah and rory walked up to me by my locker Hannah wasn't to happy about it

" Hey, um this is hannah and hannah this is my friend mikayla " rory said as hannah and me rolled our eyes

" Great, bring the witch over to my locker " i said crossing my arms in annoyance at her as she glared at me

" What? " Hannah asked me

" You heard me " i said as rory was confused

" Come on rory, lets go to class " hannah said as i glared at her as they walked away and sarah and erica walked up to me

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