part 8

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Mikayla's pov

I walked up to Ethan and his friends but they weren't really happy with me at all but I didn't care because I got to hang around my crush alot more often now, rory pulled me aside and sighed and felt really bad about how things went and explained to me how he ended things badly between us but I didn't care and decided to not take our friendship back

" You know what rory I don't care...Sarah is an irresponsible babysitter who let Ethan have a party while his parents were gone and never mentioned to his parents that she's a vampire and Ethan was drinking at the party " I said smiling

" We can't tell anyone that we're vampires...and Sarah was a really good babysitter and Ethan he's a good friend " rory said but I wasn't listening

" You know Sarah picked on me at the time I arrived after the party right, she sprayed me with silly string and made fun of me not having any friends because people should think I'm mean....I was defending myself and if you don't like then hang out with your good guys " I said playing it cool

" Why don't you like them? Why are you never nice to my friends what did they ever do to you?? " Rory said defending them as I walked away

I turned around and smiled at rory and sent a text to Ethan saying that I'm his new babysitter so they all got bummed out, during class I got a b + on my science work and I walked over to Ethan's house and his parents left and Ethan was sitting in the living room by himself and Jane was watching a movie but it was past her bedtime

" Okay, Jane bed now...go " I said as Jane got bummed out

" Aaw, but Sarah let's me stay up late..where is Sarah? " Jane asked so i became clear with her

" Sarah got fired for being a lousy babysitter so I'm taking over and if you don't like it I can always let your parents know Sarah use to let you stay up past your bed time disobeying their rules " I said as Jane ran to her room

" Why are you doing this? Why did you fire Sarah? " Ethan said as I sat on his lap

" Ssshh, I know you don't like me....but that doesn't mean we can't be alittle friendly with each other....but don't worry I won't tell your girlfriend anything " I said seductively unzipping Ethan's jacket

" Girlfriend....what girlfriend? " Ethan said in surprise with his puppy dog eyes

" The one who doesn't trust me....Sarah, she's the fledgling right...scared to become a vampire for the rest of her life, why do you like her so much....why not me? " I said kissing his cheek

" Because you called us nerds, convinced rory to ditch school and got him drunk and made him show up to a party, you bit rory, stole a teachers car, broke into the teachers lounge, showed up to my house uninvited and trashed the place, picked on me in front of my friends got me grounded for a month and got Sarah fired and stole her why should I like you? " Ethan said pushing me off him

When he said all those about me I felt super bad my own crush doesn't like me because he thinks I'm a terrible person but what he doesn't know is it's all an act

" Can I be honest with you...I'm really sorry about all of it...I just needed to get closer to you " I said removing the blonde hair strands that I clipped in my hair

" Wait what? " Ethan said

" See when I first came here...I thought you were super cute so I followed you around school and seen you hanging out with Sarah the bad girl who was dating Jesse for freshman year " I said removing my fake nose piercing and fake tongue ring

" .....I don't.... " Ethan said confused

" I had been meaning to talk to you about going out to a party but I started seeing you around town hanging out with I assumed she was your girlfriend then " I said wiping off my dark makeup

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