part 4

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Ethan's pov

Early in the morning I got woken up to rory sitting on my bed so I quickly got dressed and before we left he stopped me and asked me what I wanted to talk about and so I closed my door and felt completely nervous and he stood up confused

" Rory if I tell you this I really hope you understand...and I hope we can still be best friends after this " I said nervously

" Um okay " rory said laid back calmly

" I like mikayla " I said as waiting for rory to hiss at me

" Cool so now your cool with me hanging with mikayla that's great...maybe we can hang together now " rory said not understanding it

" No dude, I don't like her in a friend way....your not getting it....I like her like her " I said but rory wasn't understanding

" .......oooh......oh " rory said finally understanding

" I didn't want you to get mad at me and I completely understand that you liked her first that's why I'm not going after her " I said

" Well I appreciate you being honest but I don't think I want her as my girlfriend anymore that chick is psycho..." Rory said creeped out

" What, why? " I said getting a text message from her

" Better answer your new girlfriend " rory said jealously and left

" Rory " I said sighing

I answered the text and mikayla had sent me two hearts by accident so I headed to school with benny and I went up to my locker and seen mikayla and rory talking

" So how'd your talk with Mr. Fangy fang go " benny said leaning against the lockers

" He didn't handle it so well...he thinks I'm trying to steal mikayla from him " I said as benny laughed

" Wait are those hearts from mikayla...dude she likes you to? " Benny said but I continued looking at the text

" I think it was meant for someone else...because she told me she wasn't ready for a relationship and she has an ex boyfriend " I said as I seen a guy walk up to rory and mikayla

Me and benny watched as the guy started talking to mikayla and rory was getting jealous so he walked away and walked up to us and Sarah and Erica came up to us as well

" Hey bud what happened? " I said but rory seemed bummed

" Mikayla's boyfriend made me walk were right she's into bad boys...also sorry about getting jealous " rory said walking away as I watched mikayla and the dude argue

" Are they okay, he doesn't seem happy she's friends with other guys " I said worried

" Dude, just let it go...what about Sarah " benny whispered

" I see mikayla and her boyfriend are at it again...speaking of her " Sarah said walking up as mikayla did the same

I smiled and she awkwardly smiled and felt drained of energy and Sarah just rolled her eyes

" guys talking about me again? " Mikayla said as Sarah giggled

" Please why would I talk about you...I wouldn't wanna waste my breath " Sarah said ignorantly

" Your doing it right now " mikayla said

" Oh hey about your text from earlier " I said but mikayla didn't know what I was talking about

" Um, oh the hearts yeah...can I talk to you? " Mikayla said with a smile

" Sure " I said walking away with her

We began walking through the halls and stopped when nobody was around and I was alittle nervous she was gonna turn me down because it's mikayla she hates anybody who trys to get to close to her and learn about her

" About the text...I wasn't trying to lead you on I mean I think you are really cute and I sent those hearts out of kindness because you had a point yesterday " mikayla said

" Oh no problem, I appreciated the hearts though and I think your cute really really cute " I said shyly and she giggled

" Thanks, I hope we can hang out more then rory and me...he's really annoying me lately, he doesn't wanna be just friends he keeps hitting on me " mikayla said annoyed

" Yeah, you can come over family can meet you we're having dinner tonight and Benny's coming so it won't feel awkward " I said as she agreed and told me she'll see you tonight

Later at night when I was setting up the table I heard a knock at the door and went over and opened it to see mikayla in some blue jeans and boots and a tink top and leather jacket and she was smiling, I let her in and benny immediately groaned when he seen her and rolled his eyes

" What's she's doing here? " Benny said

" I invited her " I said as mikayla mockingly smiled at benny

" Let me guess because you have a crush on her " benny said as mikayla gave me a look

" No, and no I don't...just please be nice to each other " I said as benny and mikayla groaned

We sat at the table and ate dinner and benny kept eyeing mikayla who kept annoying him, then we watched movies in the living room and I talked to her in my room because she wanted to check out my stuff, I showed her my brand new blue light saber from star wars and she smiled at my collection. She found a weird box and opened it and seen pictures of Sarah and closed it and seemed jealous

" Are you okay? " I said putting the box back

" Yeah, she's just really pretty and I'm nothing like her " mikayla said

" You don't wanna me Sarah isn't all that she seems...she has layers " I said cheering her up

" Can I tell you a secret? " Mikayla said

" Sure " I said

" I..... I'm a " mikayla tried to say but got cut off by benny

" Woah, what is going on in here? " Benny said

" Nothing, I was just leaving...thanks ethan I'll text you later...bye dork " mikayla said leaving

Mikayla left my room and me and benny looked at each other with shock and I sighed

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