part 2

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Ethan's pov

Later at night mikayla messaged me and I answered the text and responded back and rolled my eyes as I put my headphones on and turned on my music and when I glanced at the window I seen mikayla flying in front of the window with a smile on her face so I took off my headphones and let her in but got annoyed by her because she's nosey

" Nice PJs nerd, did your mom buy them for you? " mikayla said sitting on my desk as i rolled my eyes

" No and why are you here? " I said

" Rory got boring so I came to see you...wanna have fun? " Mikayla said

" Unless you mean actually going out to a movie or somewhere fun and not stealing something then no " I said

" Relax...besides I came here to tell you I know you like me and I know rory likes me...I like both of you and I know you don't want anyone finding out you like me " mikayla said

" I don't like you " I said

" Oh really...fine then I'll just date rory " mikayla said smiling

" Wait fine, I like you...ever since I met you I've liked you " I said

" Now why is it that you can't tell Sarah how you feel, but honestly I like you to...I'll see you tomorrow " mikayla said flying out my window

The next day at school mikayla came up to me and rory and benny was confused but annoyed by mikayla's actions because she cut in front of him

" So you guys wanna go dancing with me? " Mikayla asked smiling which made my stomach curl as i rilled my eyes to ignore her beautiful eyes

" Sure " rory said but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back

" Uh actually, rory um I need your help with a project for class " I said as mikayla gave me a look

" Your serious right now...your really choosing a project over hanging out with me? " Mikayla said scoffing and walking off

" Dude?! I get that you don't like her but she's the only girl in this school that actually talks to us..." Rory said putting a gummy worm in his mouth

" Mikayla likes both of us and I like her to " I said as benny stopped drinking his coffee and it came out of his mouth as he was shocked and rory opened his mouth and the gummy worm fell out his mouth

During lunch rory was shoving his face with burritos and benny was eating french fries with celery and I kept staring at mikayla who was twirling her hair and flirting with another guy causing me to feel jealous so I turned away and benny looked at me along with rory who was also jealous

" Dudes, she's not worth it if she's hitting on other guys...she's just playing you besides Sarah is still free " benny said

" You don't even know her..she's a really great person she just has a sense of humor " rory said

" Sense of humor...she's flirting with another guy knowing we both like her " I said

" Do you? " Rory asked

" Yeah, don't ask why because I have no idea " I said

" Am I the only one that wants to barf? Mikayla can't be trusted " benny said

" That's it...we have to get mikayla to prove to us she can be trusted...and if not none of us will like her or date her " I said and rory liked the idea and benny just rolled his eyes

Later at my locker mikayla came up to me and somehow took thirty bucks out of my wallet so I took it back, I decided to lie and see if she could keep a secret and if she does I'll know the truth but she has to go three weeks without saying anything

" So I have a secret I wanted to tell you but you can't tell anyone " I said as she smiled

" Okay, what is it? " Mikayla said

" I can't stand being friends with sarah she's so annoying but promise you won't tell her at's a in you can't tell her ever " I said as she smiled sweetly

" Yeah okay...I won't tell her " mikayla said

" Good " I said

" Hey ethan...can I tell YOU a secret? But you can't tell anybody because they're gonna laugh " mikayla said

" Yeah? " I said

" This whole entire time that I've liked you and rory I felt amazing and confident and happy but then I found out my two friends...were LYING IDIOTIC JERK FACES WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO...tell rory that I never wanna speak to either of you ever again " mikayla said punching a locker and denting it badly

" Mikayla " I said

" Don't mikayla think I wouldn't find out my friends would lie to me...hello super vampire hearing, and I wasn't flirting with another guy when I'm nervous around guys I like I twirl my hair " mikayla whispered to me while twirling her hair

" I'm sorry, I'm not used to girls liking me...I've been a nerd my entire life and I love you I mean I would love to get to know you " I said realizing what I had said

" Wow, that's a lame ass apology " mikayla said with a tear falling from her face

She walked away and I felt super bad because I just made me and rory lose a really cool girl, bad part is I'm falling in love with her and I can't get her off my mind she keeps me up at night. After school I headed home and started writing down in a book about my feelings for mikayla and how they were real, I went to bed had the worst amount of sleep ever. After I got dressed I texted benny and told him to come over, we sat on the couch and I told him everything

" I don't get it, I thought you liked Sarah but now your in love with mikayla " benny said confused

" I's like something hit me at Jesse's party and I felt connected to her, worst part I accidentally told her I love her " I said

" Dude, shes the one girl in school that cannot be trusted...she drinks and skips school and shes got rory wrapped around her little finger like a puppy dog...shes using the both of you " benny said

" I sent her a long paragraph explaining how I'm really sorry and then asked her out and I also sent her a bouquet of flowers with a note " I said

" Wow you got it bad " benny said

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