part 41

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Alex's pov

During school i was at my locker staring at the pictures of benny, rory and ethan before rory got bit and i smiled at them as rory snuck up behind me and i screamed as he giggled about it and ethan and benny walked up to us as i playfully punched rory in his shoulder

" Hey guys " i said as i smiled with a sigh

" Hey alex " benny said as i could sense that he was still into mikayla

" Hey alex " ethan said as me and him smiled awkwardly at each other and rory kinda seemed jealous so he put his arm around me and smiled at ethan as ethan looked away in jealousy

" You guys auditioning for the school talent show? " I asked ethan as i slowly shrugged Rory's arm off my shoulder subtly as i smiled at ethan

" Yeah, benny was gonna play drums and rory was gonna sing and i would just play piano " ethan said as i smiled

" Cool, i actually sing alittle myself" i said as ethan furrowed his brows in confusion

" Really? Wow, then join our band " ethan asked me as i awkwardly smiled as rory kinda sniffed my hair and i gave him a confused weirded out look

" I'd love to " i said as benny and ethan smiled

" Cool, you can come over tonight at my place " ethan said as i nodded and walked away

Ethan's pov

Alex nodded and i watched her walk away as i checked her body out and smiled slightly to myself as rory and benny noticed

" Dude, you have the hots for her don't you? " Benny asked me as i scoffed

" Alex, she's just a friend...besides i think she's into rory " i said lying through my teeth as rory smiled

" Really? Cool " rory said walking off to alex

" Your really letting that idiot of a vampire steal your girl? " Benny said to me

" What?? " I said confused

" Dude, its obvious you two like each other...ask her out " benny said spraying cologne on me as i kinda coughed in disgust

" Benny, what is that stuff? " I asked him as benny looked at the bottle

" Dusk cologne for guys " benny said as i got disgusted

" Smells like old wet sweaty socks that have been sitting in dirty laundry and a dog layed in it and peed " i said disgusted as benny shrugged

" I kinda added my sweat from my dirty socks and slug urine in it " benny said as i kinda gagged on my own vomit but held it back

" Alex is by the vending machines, go ask her out " benny said as i walked over to alex who was looking at the chips as she smelled me and covered her nose

" What is that smell?? " Alex asked me

" Benny sprayed his cologne on me " i said embarrassed

" Oh, cool....must be dusk " alex said as i smiled nervously

" Yeah, um i was wondering if you uh wanted to uh....ill be right back " i said walking back over to benny as alex shrugged her shoulders

" She turned you down? " Benny asked me confused

" I walked away " i said

Later at night we were practicing for the school talent show and Alex's voice was pretty good, the next day at the talent show we were playing our song when mikayla walked into the auditorium slowly while clapping her hands as alex stopped singing

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