part 12

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Rory's pov

After school Mikayla and me forgave each other and she sent her aunt's address to all of us so we could show up to her aunt's party tonight, ethan got her message but he refused to read it and seemed in the dumps and benny was eating a sandwich he magically made appear.

" So are we going to mikayla's party tonight? " I asked as ethan shrugged his shoulders

" I dont know, i mean its her aunt's party not a pool party for teens " ethan said bored

" Well according to mikayla's text theirs lots of food and drinks and tons of kids from school that she knows and a large built in pool with a hot tub...apparently her mothers sister is rich and has a mansion " i said as Benny's eyes widened at the picture

" Dude! We have to go its a pool party for the kids at school...we would be lame if we didnt show up " benny said

" I dont benny, me and Mikayla haven't been the best of friends lately and me being around her will only- " ethan said sighing as benny knew

" prove that you have secret feelings for her....dude you can't lie to us, im pretty sure we've all had a thing for hot Mikayla " benny said as ethan shrugged

" Okay, lets go " ethan said

We got dressed and headed to mikayla's aunts house and a sign said party's around back invites only so we went around back and there was a girl from school with a dude sitting at a table and they stopped us when we tried to go in

" Sorry nerds, this pool party is invite only " the girl said as the dude laughed

" Well jokes on you because Mikayla invited us " i said as the girl and the dude laughed

" Oh, yeah what are your names? " The girl asked with an attitude

" Rory keaner, benny weir and ethan morgan we're on vip " i said as the dude and girl laughed and checked the vip and our names were on the list and there smiles turned to frowns

" Three nerds are vip, no way this has to be a mistake... Mikayla would never allow freaks in her party, sorry but im uninviting you " the girl said being a bitch as Mikayla seen us and walked over to us smiling but it was hard for me and ethan not to get distracted by her hot body because she was wearing a bikini and caring a margarita drink non alcoholic

" Hey guys, what's going on? " Mikayla asked us smiling

" What's going on is your two spoiled rotten friends won't let us in because they think you made a mistake putting us on the invite list for vip " i said as ethan and benny nodded and Mikayla looked at her friends

" I invited them, let them in " kayla said to the girl

" Kayla, their nerds...i was only trying to- " the girl said but kayla shut her up

" You were only trying to what norbie? get on my good side for money for your washed up crooked no good toxic broke ass family...yeah no way thats happening your out...leave now " kayla said as the girl went home crying and we went in

" That was alittle mean kayla " ethan said

" Eh, she'll get over it...besides she was only friends with me because her mother was using her to get close to my aunt for the money, but my aunt knows better...she doesnt like her mother or family and there in a fight over who's richer...but there losing because everyone is finding out norbies family is super poor " kayla said

We went inside her house and went upstairs and she put her drink down and ethan was annoyed

" No, you dont get it do you? Everyone hates you because of the way you are... we're probably the only friends- " ethan said but kayla cut him off

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