part 33

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Alex's pov

Me and mikayla walked up to each other in my backyard by my pool as sarah was getting a cure for me to be normal again since i broke up with rory, mikayla held a stake in her hand and i was standing in front of my tree as mikayla slowly walked up to me

" Mikayla, i broke up with rory cause you want him..." I said slowly walking over to my pool as Mikayla glared at me

" Yeah, he won't date me cause he loves you " Mikayla said as she pushed me back and i fell on the floor

" Mikayla " sarah said as sarah threw the vampire cure to me and i grabbed it and drinked it as rory, ethan and benny ran to my backyard as mikayla stabbed me in the stomach as i got up and sarah kicked mikayla into my tree

" Alex! " Rory shouted as he ran up to me and sat down next to me, i began bleeding in my stomach as i looked at rory

" Alex, i love you " rory said as i smiled

" I love you " i said as i passed out

Later i woke up in a bed with needles in my arms and my stomach was hurting, ethan and benny were sitting next to my bed smiling at me

" Hey, rory wants to talk to you " ethan said as i smiled and rory walked up to me

" Alex " my dad said as he drove me home and grounded me

" Dad, his ex girlfriend " i said but my dad cut me off

" Alex, your grounded for two months " my dad said

Later at night rory kept texting me and i kept ignoring his texts as i slowly fell asleep

Ethan's pov

The next morning during school alex walked up to me and smiled she was still hurting as she had gotten stabbed last night and mikayla still didnt like her

" Hey, im sorry about mikayla " i said as she stared at me with a blank face

" Alex? " I said confused

" What? " Alex said

" Nothing, ill see you later " i said walking away

During class we all heard glass breaking in the hallway and rory and benny and the students ran into the hallway and screamed, i ran into the hallway with erica and sarah as i seen alex and mikayla fighting and blood covering the floor and walls and Rory's eyes were turning yellow like fading in and out like he was mad and benny was secretly trying to cast a spell and sarah and erica were holding out their phones and students were confused as mikayla pushed alex into the vending machine and punched her, alex kicked mikayla onto the floor with her foot and got up and grabbed mikayla and mikayla grabbed her and i felt confused as rory got in between them and hissed at alex and hissed at mikayla and pushed them both away from each other as both girls looked at me and ethan as he stood next to me

" Stop! " Rory shouted

" Mikayla, you and rory are done....alex, we're your friends..." I said as rory cut me off

" Ethan " rory said rolling his eyes

" Rory, i know you like both need to choose who your gonna be with " benny said as the students had walked away

Rory stood in front of mikayla and alex as he was confused and alex and mikayla sighed and looked at each other and back at rory and rory turned to look at me and benny and sarah as he looked at alex and mikayla

" Rory " mikayla said as he looked at her

" Rory? " Alex said confused as rory looked at her

Rory slowly held out his hand and one of the girls slowly grabbed his hand as he ran off with her to his house and me, benny, sarah and erica looked at each other as erica and sarah ran off for a bite to eat and me and benny walked home

Ethan's pov

Me and sarah sat on my couch and watched tv, my parents went out for dinner and jane was upstairs sleeping...sarah rested her head on my shoulder which made me nervous even though i really liked glad rory got a girlfriend

" Sarah " i said as sarah looked at me and smiled

" Did Mikayla and jesse ever date? " I asked her as she sighed

" I dont know, jesse was a jerk when we dated and knowing mikayla and him hooked so gross " sarah said annoyed

" We were wrapped around mikayla's sorry " i said as sarah smirked

" Its cool, mikayla was a jerk....she was obviously working with jesse and " sarah said bummed out

" Its cool " i said as i texted benny as he texted me back and walked over to my house

" Rory is an idiot...." Benny said as he sat on the couch

" Hes our friend " i said

" You know we were wrapped around mikayla's fingers cause of rory, right? " Benny asked me

" I know " i said

" Shes a witch " benny said

" Guys, lets make a snack " sarah said as we walked to the kitchen

" Rory was so horny for mikayla he hooked up with her and got wrapped around her finger " benny said as me and sarah got annoyed and rolled our eyes

" Benny, rory was in love with mikayla " i said as benny scoffed

" In love? He was wrapped around her finger " benny said as i shook my head

" Lets make the cupcakes for janes birthday " sarah said annoyed as benny mixed the batter and i ate a cupcake as sarah looked at me and laughed as benny ate a cupcake and sarah wiped icing on both our faces and ate licked the icing off her finger and ate a cupcake as me and benny wiped the icing off our faces with a paper towel as we sat back on the couch and watched tv

" I love you guys " i said smiling

" Dude " benny said grossed out as we all laughed

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