part 44

14 1 1

Ethan's pov

In the graveyard after talking to the girl i felt so traumatized and bummed out and i didnt want to talk to my friends...i didnt talk to anyone for a week and my friends got concerned but all i could do was lay in bed and cry myself to sleep, i sat in the living and my friends walked into my house and crossed their arms along with erica

" Ethan, i wanna talk to you " sarah said as i rolled my eyes

" No, i wanna be left alone " i said as benny scoffed

" Dude, we know about the note and the graveyard...whats wrong with you? " Benny said annoyed as i got up

" Nothing " i said lying through my teeth

" that a bite mark? " Sarah asked me as she noticed my wrist and bennys eyes widened and i pulled my sleeve down and covered my wrist

" N-no...its a cut from walking through the woods " i said awkwardly

" Okay, but " sarah said as i scoffed

" I wanna be alone " i shouted and they left my house as i sat down

I pulled my sleeve up alittle and looked at the bite mark on my wrist and still felt the venom going through my veins and i didnt know what to do because Sarah's already a vampire.. I've been lying to my friends

I went to bed and had dreams of me becoming a vampire and woke up and my bite mark was slowly healing and the venom was still going through my veins..i looked at myself in the mirror and my reflection was kinda normal as i sighed and walked to school and during class my wrist hurt and i looked at it as the bite mark healed and i could smell blood and it grossed me out but i had a small craving for it...i dont want to be a fledgling, at lunch I wasn't hungry for food anymore and sarah thought it was weird so she handed me an apple

" Im not hungry " i said craving blood

" Ethan, your cut is gone " sarah said confused

" I know...." I said bummed out

" Do you wanna talk about it? " Sarah asked me

" No " i said as i got up and walked away and walked home

" Hey " a girls voice said behind me as i turned and looked at her

" H-hi, what are you doing? " I asked her as she shrugged her shoulders

" I dont know, your friends don't really like me but i thought we could hang out " the girl said as i shook my head

" You bit me and now i have to lie to my friends " i said as she sighed and walked up to me

" I didnt bite you, my fangs scratched your wrist when you tried to hit me with your dagger " the girl said as i gave her a look

" Fine, come on " i said grabbing the girls hand as i got a vision of me being a vampire and drinking human blood as the vision stopped and we walked to my house and sat in my room

" Who are you? " I asked her

" You know who i am ethan " the girl said as i looked at her and she smiled sweetly

" Mikayla " i said shaking my head

" I dont want to argue with you...i want to be friends and i know you dont trust me and I've lied to you several times but this isnt a lie...i like you and i want to be with you " mikayla said as i got up and felt crazy

" Stop, stop! Because of you i dont know what love feels like...and my friendships are messed up and now im a fledgling " i said shouting at her

" Im sorry " mikayla said

" Your sorry, how many times are you gonna say that before i actually believe you " i shouted at her

" I dont know " mikayla said feeling bad

" From the first day that i met you all you did was lie and mess with my head, i fell in love with you and you broke my your saying your sorry " i said to her

" Yeah " mikayla said feeling bad

" Im done with you messing with my head and my friends and a fledgling now because of you and i dont know what to do...and i cant tell my friends at all or about you " i said as mikayla nodded

" ....." Mikayla didnt say a word

" Why couldnt you just leave us alone? " I asked her as she shrugged her shoulders

" Leave you alone? Rory was the one who had me meet you guys...i didnt want to " mikayla said as i giggled

" Right, because rorys an idiot like you...mikayla your such a liar " i said as she got mad

" Liar? Im sorry but " mikayla said as i shouted at her

" Shut up! " I shouted at her

Sarah's pov

I walked into Ethan's house with benny and rory and we heard shouting coming from upstairs so we ran upstairs and Ethan's door was locked so i used my strength and walked into an empty bedroom

Ethan's pov

Me and mikayla climbed out the window and ran to the graveyard and sat down

" I love you and i want us to be together....if you want to be with me, take this dagger and stab yourself with it " mikayla said as i scoffed with a smile

" God your a really want me to disappear with you? " I asked her as she nodded

" Ethan they cant know your a fledgling..." Mikayla said as i slowly grabbed the dagger and tears ran down my face

" Mikayla i cant " i said nervous

" Im sorry " mikayla said as i stabbed her and she disappeared and i sighed and looked at the dagger and kinda cried and took out my phone and left my friends a voicemail as i put my phone down and started walking slowly into the woods as i slowly looked back and thought about my friends and turned and walked further into the woods as a light came from the woods and i disappeared

Sarah's pov

Me and benny and rory walked into the living room and my phone vibrated so i looked at it and their was a voicemail from ethan and i put it on speaker as it made me and benny want to cry as rory covered his mouth

" Hey guys its ethan...i wanted to talk to you guys but i didnt know what to do...a week ago i got an anonymous note from mikayla and i met her at the graveyard, i tried to fight her but she accidentally bit me and i slowly became a fledgling...i wanted to tell you but i also wanted to be alone, this is really hard to say but I can't be friends with you guys dont have to be concerned about me because im gonna disappear...with mikayla "

I put my phone away and threw up in the bathroom as benny felt sick and rory was confused

" Sarah " benny said as i walked out and cried

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