part 23

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Rory's pov

Late at night me and lucas walked to Ethan's house together and it felt weird being around lucas cause i like girls and i know lucas likes girls, lucas stopped me outside and looked at me

" What? " Lucas asked me

" Nothing, i know we're best friends but i like you and you like me but i dont know how i like you " i said confused

" Im into guys " lucas said as my smile faded

" Oh, um i need to go talk to ethan and benny " i said superspeeding to ethans house as i bumped into ethan

" Bud, what's up? " Ethan said

" Lucas said he's gay " i said nervously

" You kissed him " ethan said to me

" I like mikayla and i lile lucas but he's my friend " i said nervously

" Rory, its cool....lucas is cool and you guys are the most amazing best friends ever " ethan said as me and ethan hugged and then me and benny hugged and i felt butterflies for benny and i slowly pulled away confused

" What? " Benny asked me

" I dont know " i said with tears filling my eyes

" I know " mikayla said behind me as i turned around

" Mikayla " i said

" Rory " mikayla said as me and her hugged

" I love you rory " mikayla said as i smiled at her

" I love you " i said

" Do you like lucas? " Mikayla asked me as i smiled

" Rory, rory,rory! " Benny said as i shook my head

" What? " I said

" Who are talking to? " Benny asked me

" Mikayla " i said

" Dude, Mikayla " ethan said but i cut him off

" Mikayla was evil " lucas said as i smiled at him

" Yeah, she worked for jesse " ethan said

" Lucas " i said confused as lucas took me upstairs and into the guest room as he pushed me onto the bed and we began making out as he unzipped my pants and began sucking me off as i moaned

" Oh, fuck " i moaned

Sarah's pov

Later at night me and erica were painting our nails and talking and doing homework, erica got a text from ethan and i smiled at the text as erica laid next to me drinking her cup of blood as i took her cup and took a sip of it as her eyes widened

" You wanna fuck? " Erica asked me

" Fuck no, im thirsty and the all night blood truck stopped last night " i said as i smiled

" Rory and lucas became good friends " erica said

" Yeah, its weird....lucas likes girls and rory likes girls...rory is a weirdo " i said rolling my eyes

" Lets go grab a bite to eat " erica said as we walked through Ethan's yard and we hid behind a tree when i seen rory and lucas making out so me and erica walked away

" Their not friends...." I said as erica shook her head

" Its cool " erica said

" Rorys a weirdo " i said as we went home

I fell asleep and the next morning i seen rory and lucas at his locker and they were taking cool pictures with his stuffed animal so i shook my head

" Rory and lucas? " I said to ethan

" Yeah, its supernatural " ethan said as i got confused

" What? " I said

" Lucas likes rory because of Mikayla " ethan said as i rolled my eyes

" Mikayla messed with Rory's head and she didn't love rory " i said walking away

" She loved benny " ethan said

Ethan's pov

Later in the cafeteria rory and lucas were sitting together and lucas was drinking blood as benny was disgusted by it, lucas looked at me and smirked as i got alittle weirded out and rory got jealous

" Rory, lucas great friends " i said to benny as we went to my house

Benny went home and lucas stayed over and lucas kept staring at me as i got confused

" What? " I asked him

" Your puppy dog eyes, its cute " lucas said as i smiled sweetly

" You told rory you like him " i said as lucas nodded

" Yeah, i said rory i like you " lucas said as he pushed my hair behind ear and began sucking on my neck as i was confused and started moaning but then i pushed him off me and got up as i walked away weirded out

" Ethan, im sorry " lucas said

" You like rory " i said

" I like rory and your cute " lucas said

" Im dating sarah " i said

" I know " lucas said walking away

Late at night i called benny online and told him lucas kissed me on my neck and he got disgusted but kinda jealous, benny didnt like lucas and didnt want him friends with me at all " i knew you didnt like lucas " i said to benny as he rolled his eyes " i like sarah cause shes hot and your babysitter, did he like you? " Benny asked me " yeah, lucas liked my puppy dog eyes " i said as benny scoffed as me and him smiled at each other and my dad came in and hung up on benny as my dad left my room i seen a picture of me and benny and i sent the picture to him and he sent me back a smiley emoji and i bit my lip and went to bed

The next morning i got dressed and walked to school with benny as we seen rory and lucas and i walked away as benny rolled his eyes, my hand brushed up against bennys hand and he put his arm around me as we laughed and we walked to our chess club meeting and light saber meeting for nerds and geeks. Lucas walked up to me and benny got jealous and it confused me cause he still liked mikayla, lucas talked to me and i walked away smiling cause hes a weirdo and i bumped into rory

" Rory " i said

" Sorry, lucas and me " rory said as i nodded

" I know " i said cutting him off

" He likes someone else " rory said bummed out

" I know " i said as i walked away

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