part 5

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Rory's pov

Early in the morning I got dressed and searched in my mini fridge and took out a small vial of blood and drinked it, I felt refreshed even though vampires don't need sleep. I started walking to school and seen ethan and mikayla walking and talking and I felt unusually jealous, ethan put his arm around mikayla and she pushed his arm off and I started wondering if ethan liked her more then me. When I got to school I bumped into Erica and Sarah who were both annoyed along with benny

" Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you guys...I'm trying to figure out what's going on between mikayla and ethan " I said as Sarah scoffed

" Ethan has a little crush on her but I think mikayla is taking advantage of it  " benny said as I rolled my eyes

" I know mikayla seems like a really mean person but she's actually just broken inside " I said as benny rolled his eyes

" Who cares, me and Erica need blood...and the all night blood truck didn't come around last night, benny can you cast one of your spells on our red drinks and create blood out of it? " Sarah said getting hungry

" In order to do that I would need my spell book and a secret place without other students around " benny said

" Forget it ,I'm gonna go catch a rat in the grave yard like a loser " Sarah said angrily

Sarah ran off and headed to the grave yard as Erica looked at me and benny with confusion

" What is up with Sarah? " Erica asked hungry

" I think Ethan's been ditching her for mikayla " benny said

" But mikayla isn't even here...she left school two minutes ago " Erica said

Mikayla's pov

I left school and headed for the graveyard and sat down behind an old oak tree, I heard rustling in the bushes and branch's snapping and breaking so I quickly ran behind a grave stone and watched as Sarah Ethan's babysitter started sneaking up on rats and catching one with her hands and then showing her sharp teeth and eating the rats and drinking it's blood. Sarah seemed less hungry and more energetic but not very much and almost left when she smelled me

" I can smell you...I know that smell anywhere liquor and potatoe chips and a hint of Ethan's scent " Sarah said as I slowly got up scared

" P-please don't hurt me...I didn't know this was your spot " I fake cried

" Oh shut up, I know it's you it your destiny to follow me and find out our secrets or are you just really insecure " Sarah said folding her arms

" In my defense I showed up here before you and first off I just saw you eating a rat without being disgusted and throwing up...and your eyes changed color and your teeth are sharper then normal...your a freaking vampire! " I said freaked out

" No,no! It's not what it looks like...their retractable fangs and color changing contact lenses and it's a fake rat that I filled with blood " Sarah said trying to sound convincing

" You know that actually makes perfect sense to bad I don't believe you bitch " I said harshly as I broke a stake off a fence and started twirling it stylishly

" Don't " Sarah said slowly backing up

" Why shouldn't I..." I said slowly walking up to her

" Because this isn't what ethan would want...he knows your hurting and he's being friends with you because he's likes you for who you are " Sarah said sweetly

" Aaw, Sarah that's so bad Ethan's not here to stop me...I know who you are and I know jesse " I said as Sarah fell to the ground on her ass in shock

" What? How could you know my ex boyfriend " Sarah said

" Because I work for jesse...and it's my job to turn ethan I really like him and I think he might actually love bad to because Jesse and me were really into each other back then " I said stabbing Sarah's hand with a knife as she groaned in pain

" I knew you couldn't be trusted...ethan doesn't go for girls like you " Sarah said as I put away the knife and watched her heal

" It's a shame really...we could have been such great friends...maybe we can be, since you forgave Erica for stealing your boyfriend I guess you can forgive me for stealing ethan " I said happily walking away as Sarah sighed with relief

Later back at Ethan's house I sat next to him on the couch since his mom asked me to babysit Jane and I put Jane to bed fast, I started flirting with ethan to get him on my good side and he had to use the bathroom so he left and his phone went off and I checked his message

Text message

" Hey ethan, listen I have to tell you something about mikayla that I'm pretty sure you might be interested in " Sarah

" Whatever you have to say about mikayla is none of my business....she's my friend and whatever is going on between you to just keep it to yourself " ethan

" No but ethan, just listen she's not who she says she is...mikayla is a fifth generation vampire that's working for Jesse...she knows everything about us she's assigned to focus on us " Sarah

" Listen...I know mikayla is a vampire...that's right she told me already and I don't care I love her and she loves me so get over it...bye " ethan

" What's going on? Who is this? This isn't ethan because he wouldn't hurt his friends like this...mikayla is this you...I'm calling you! " Sarah

After sending the last message to Sarah she quickly called Ethan's number and his phone started ringing but ethan was still in the bathroom because he felt sick so I answered his phone

Phone call

" Ethan, are you there...I'm really worried about you " Sarah said

" You don't have to be worried about ethan anymore...he's my boyfriend now and if you were a real friend you would accept that instead of trying to steal another girl's boyfriend " I said as Sarah growled

" Leave ethan alone, I've researched you...fifth generation the most powerful vampire worker ever...your after the seers blood so you can use it to your advantage " Sarah said hissing

" See that's where your wrong...I used to work for Jesse and I used to be a fifth generation vampire but now I'm not...Jesse couldn't handle the fact that his girlfriend didn't want to be a vampire anymore so I drank a potion and cured myself, I'm a human...and I'm not after Ethan's blood because I love him so much and all you care about is turning back into a back again and I'll make sure ethan ignores you forever " I said hanging up and blocking Sarah

I put his phone down and he came back smiling as I smiled back and sighed and told him everything was just fine

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