part 16

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Mikayla's pov

During the night ethan and benny were asleep and me and rory and sarah were in the library going through books, rory kept smiling at me and i kept trying not to smile back as sarah noticed our subtle glances

" Uuuh, im gonna grab a bite to eat...rory do you want anything? " Sarah asked rory

" Uuum, no..." Rory said as sarah smiled at us and walked away and it got awkward between us

" So are you and ethan dating? " Rory asked me putting books away

" No and i dont think we're going to... he's to in love with sarah " i said reading more books

" Oh cool, did you two fuck? " Rory asked me as i blushed in embarrassment

" Uuum....uuuuh, yeah " i said as rory felt alittle jealous

" Oh " rory said bummed out

" But he turned into a jerk " i said to rory

" Why? " Rory asked me

" He likes sarah and wants sarah to like him " i said as rory nodded

I put the book down and walked up to him and comforted him

" Rory, i dont want to be the reason you and hannah broke up...i love you and i know you love me but you can't break up with hannah " i said feeling bad

" I have a new girlfriend, mikayla " rory said as i got confused

" W-what?? " I asked

" She's a vampire and a cheerleader, i like her alot and we've been spending alot of time together " rory said as i rolled my eyes

" Rory! Eating rats is not a relationship! " I shouted at him as he felt offended

Sarah's pov

I left the library and shut the door behind me as i leaned against and ethan and benny woke up

" Where's rory and mikayla? " Ethan asked me

" Library " i said as we all heard mikayla shouting at rory and rory shouting at her

" She's my girlfriend and your my friend! " Rory shouted at Mikayla

" Really! " Mikayla shouted as i heard glass break from a window

" You want every girl to be your girlfriend rory! " Mikayla shouted at rory

" Hey, guys " i said walking into the library as there was broken glass all over the floor

" What the heck? " Benny said stepping on the glass

" I broke the window " mikayla said

" Guys " sarah said as rory super speeded out angrily and mikayla left the room

" Mikayla " ethan said walking over to her

Ethan's pov

" Mikayla, we couldn't trust you since we thought you were working with jesse....i really like you " i said as she scoffed at me

" Ethan, she still can't be trusted i know you like her but " sarah said as i rolled my eyes

" Go eat a rat, sarah " Mikayla said rudely to her as she glared at Mikayla and got in her face

" What? " Sarah said to Mikayla

" Guys " ethan said

" Go eat a rat, sarah " mikayla said to sarah

Mikayla leaves her house and decides to head to work and we ate at her job, she got dressed in her uniform and nobody was here but us so she served us first and then we went to school and Mikayla met Rory's new vampire girlfriend and she was blonde and pretty and nice

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