part 10

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Mikayla's pov

I was sitting in Bennys room and he came in with chips and popcorn and movies, me and Benny had gotten alot closer over the weeks and he's been helping me through some family issues since my parents won't stop arguing. Sarah started getting convinced me and Benny had a special relationship and rory was jealous of how close me and Benny started getting and Ethan was focused on asking Sarah out on a date. Even though me and Benny started hanging out more I didn't notice any signs of Benny liking me or falling in love with me and I didn't want to do anything unless I knew Benny liked me. I thought Ethan and rory were obsessed with fighting over me but as the years went by Ethan slowly got over me and wanted to be with Sarah and rory slowly became more in love with Erica someone he couldn't be with and me and Benny bonded over our family issues. Ethan says Benny thinks of me like a sister but maybe I see him as something more considering we have alot in common. My journal was filled with pictures of me and Benny being a couple and his name  and I wrote down everything that me and Benny did throughout the day to check for signs of a crush but their was none, maybe I'm not seeing something that's their or maybe nothing really is their. After awhile me and Sarah got into an argument in front of the guys and Erica and she was trying to convince them to get on her side

" Why should we trust you when you always mess things up! You got me fired from my job and Ethan grounded for nothing and pretended to be someone your not! Everything you've told us has been nothing but lies " Sarah said yelling at me

" That was a year ago I've changed since then...haven't I Benny? " I said hoping for Benny's support

" Oh, I'm not getting involved...this is between you and Sarah " Benny said stepping back

" See, nobody wants to be your friend...your a liar....maybe that's why Ethan doesn't like you " Sarah said as Ethan stepped up

" Hey, that's not why I don't like mikayla...she's a great friend and all but she tricks people into being on her side for their support so she won't be alone " Ethan said as I felt alone

" Ok I've heard enough of this...I'm going home... mikayla if want I'll walk you home " Benny said as I agreed

" Oh right, just walk away from anything you don't how you didn't like the fact that you thought both rory and Ethan liked you so you walked away and now your chasing after Benny because your crazy over him...I see the way you freaking look at him! " Sarah kept shouting as I shut the door behind me

Me and Benny continued walking down the street away from Ethan's house and it was a cold silence between the two of us until Benny spoke up

" Listen, I'm your friend and everything but you really need to stop being mean to Sarah...she could turn you if she wanted to...she's a fledgling vampire " Benny said as I felt unsupported

" I know, but you could have stepped up and helped me when Sarah randomly started shouting at me just because I accidentally broke Ethan's parents vcr player from tripping over my feet " I said being upset

" I'm sorry " Benny said

" Don't be....because even though you helped me with my family issues and comforted me when I was said just shows how much you care...." I said pointing out the obvious

" What are you talking about? " Benny asked

" I'm saying I think you care about just don't want anyone else to know " I said as Benny stopped and gave me a look that's when I knew I fucked up

" Hold on, excuse me for trying to be nice to you....but just because someone is kind to you doesn't mean they like you...forget it...I'll see you later Mikayla " Benny said walking away

I walked home the rest of the way and I heard running behind me and I turned around and Benny hugged me and I hugged him back, I didn't feel the same feeling I felt for Ethan but it felt different a good different. I knew I had some type friendship with Benny and I wanted to figure out what it was

" The reason I wanted to walk you home is because...I wanted to know if your going to the new years eve party at school next week " Benny asked

" Of course I'm's new years eve " I said as a wiff of ice cold air blew into my face

" I hope to see you their...theirs gonna lots of fun stuff...will see who ends up with who that night " Benny said smiling and walking away

Later in the week I had my cute dress for the night it was purple and lacey but cute and it had purple heels, I got dressed and headed to the party and people were talking as their was music but I just hid in a photo booth because everyone was mad at me, rory came into the booth with me and sat down and I smiled at him

" Hey listen, I'm glad we're friends and all but you could be nicer to Sarah...after all she did try to warm up to you " rory said

" Rory, I'm better off alone...please leave me alone " I said as rory left

I left the photo booth and went up to the roof and Ethan came up next to me and I smiled but wasn't happy

" I'm sorry for what happened last know Sarah can't control her anger when she's thirsty for's a vampire thing " Ethan said apologizing for Sarah's actions

" It's okay, I'm sorry for not being honest...I guess I just didn't know how to handle being around someone I liked " I said with sparkles in my eyes and tears

" It's cool, I like you to...and I hope we can change our friendship " Ethan said smiling

Before I knew it Ethan was about to ask me out but when Benny tried to leave the roof, rory blurted out a huge secret of Benny's and we were all shocked

" Benny loves Mikayla " rory shouted

After everyone left the roof I sat down and Benny sat next to me and so did Ethan and I looked at Benny with a smile and he did the same then looked away

" This is not how I planned my new years to go " Ethan said as I giggled 

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