part 35

17 1 1

Alex's pov

Late at night i went onto my computer and found the picture of me kissing another guy and i shook my head as i saved it and looked up Tara's info and school history, she was in a photography class in her last school and she was really good at editing. Cause of her my boyfriend dumped me and my friends hate me

" I dont hate you " benny said as i turned to him

" Benny? Why are you here? " I asked him as i took of my reading glasses

" Cause i dont think you cheated...i may not have liked mikayla but i like you " benny said smiling as i sweetly smiled

" Well i was researching Tara's information and i learned she was in photography classes at her old school and shes really good at editing but its not gonna make rory get back with me " i said bummed out

" He will if he figures out the photo is fake " benny said as i got confused

" How did you know the photo is fake? " I asked him as ethan came in and showed the original photo without the guy

" Because you have amazing geek friends who are good at finding information " ethan said as i walked up to him and hugged him as benny kinda got awkward about it cause the hug was alittle to long

" Okay, ill text rory and you two call tara " benny said as me and ethan pulled away and called tara and her and rory came over

" Hey, alex im not in the mood for this...its over " rory said as i showed him the picture

" Yeah, your right....if you can't learn to trust me then we have no reason to be together....i told you tara faked the photo to break us up but you wouldn't believe me " i said as he took the photo and tara glared at me

" What are you talking about? I never took a photo of you to break you and rory up i dont even know you " tara said confused as i showed her the info and photo

" I didnt take this photo " tara said

" Then let me check your phone " i said as tara got confused and handed me her phone as i looked through it and gave it back

" Its not their, she didn't take the picture " i said as rory rolled his eyes

" Thanks for ruining my night " tara said as rory left with benny and ethan and tara stayed with me

" Im sorry " i said

" You should be....cause Rory's mine " tara said as she shifted into mikayla and i tried to scream but Mikayla covered my mouth

" Scream and I'll bite you " mikayla said as i passed out

Rorys pov

Later at ethans house benny was kinda confused and so was ethan and i just sat their bummed out

" There's no way that photo was fake...i checked....tara is obviously lying " ethan said as i rolled my eyes

" Maybe it wasn't tara " i said weirdly as benny looked at me

" Why say that? " Benny asked me

" What if Mikayla is back and tara is actually mikayla? " I said

" Rory " ethan said

" I didnt know that tara was a shape shifter when we went to the movies..." I said as benny got confused

" You went to the movies with tara while you had a girlfriend? " Benny said as i nodded

" Tara said alex was cool with it " i said

" Rory, some girl randomly shows up to our school and its like alex isnt even with you anymore....tara picks a movie theater for a hangout alone with you....tells you alex is cool with it and then somehow finds alex cheating on you when your about to go on a date with tara " ethan said as i shook my head

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