part 26

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Mikayla's pov

During a school auditorium the principal talked to students as i went up the stairs and took out my phone and the students watched a video of rory and ethan and benny talking and rory and ethan and benny and sarah and erica were confused as students talked to each other

" Its embarrassing me and lucas were best friends " rory said in the video

" Rory, you have a crush on lucas " ethan said as Rory's eyes widened as students looked at him in disgust

" What? I like girls " rory said in the video as benny walked away

" Rory, its cool " ethan said as his eyes widened

" Im-im " rory struggled saying as rory shook his head

" Im g" rory said but the video cuts off and me and benny fight as students laugh at rory as he walks away

" Its jesse, Mikayla " benny said as i shook my head

" Benny " i said as i grabbed a microphone and hit benny in the head with it as he fell unconscious as i left the room

I walked home and rory ran up to me with ethan

" Hey rory " i said with a smile

" What is wrong with you? " Rory asked me

" What? " I said confused

" The video, me talking to ethan, liking lucas " rory said hurt

" I gotta go home " i said confused

" I love you ethan " i said smiling as ethan smiled back

" I love you " ethan said sweetly

" Dude " rory said

Rory's pov

I went home and cried in my room as lucas texted me but i ignored the text as benny came into my room and sat next to me

" Im sorry " benny said as we hugged and i smirked at him as he kissed me and i got up and sighed

" Benny, we're friends " i said as benny sighed

" Rory " benny said

" We're friends " i said as he walked away and i cried

Mikayla's pov

At home i put lipstick on my lips and seen rory and benny talking in his house as they kissed and i texted a picture to school and fell asleep, the next morning i walked to school and rory and benny were being bullied by students as i went up to my locker

" Mikayla " ethan said

" Hey " i said

" I bought you this " ethan said as i grabbed his wrist and took him to the janitors closet and we fucked

Late at night me and ethan played video games as benny texted ethan who was in the bathroom so i texted benny back and ignored his calls as i put his phone in my bookbag as ethan came back and i spent the night. The next morning during lunch benny and rory sat with us

" Ethan " benny said

" Yeah " ethan said

" You ignored my texts " benny said as ethan got confused

" What? " Ethan said as i smiled at benny and seen rory hold bennys hand slightly

Benny and ethan walked away and talked and rory stared at benny and me

" Benny's really cute " i said smiling as rory glanced down

" I like him alot, he's so hot " i said as rory nervously smirked

I got up and got on top of the chair and table and student's stared at me as i smiled and ethan and benny looked at me

" My friends were fake and hurt me, i loved rory and ethan and benny, rory kissed my exboyfriend cause he's, he likes benny! " I shouted as students talked and looked at rory as ethan walked me home

" Its jesse! " Ethan said

" Its jesse? Its jesse? Rory " i said but ethan cut me off

" We're not friends " ethan said walking away as it rained and i cried as i woke up in my bed and walked to school as my friends walked away from me

Ethan's pov

Mikayla walked away from me and my friends at school and i ignored her texts all day as sarah said she messed with my head

" Rory " benny said as rory ignored benny and walked away

" Mikayla " i said as she walked away

" Later " i said to benny

Later at home mikayla came over and lucas came over and i got confused

" Lucas? " I said as he smirked

" Ethan " lucas said

Mikayla's pov

Later at Ethan's house me and lucas stared at ethan as lucas texted rory and benny, rory and benny came over and i kissed rory as benny walked away jealous and rory looked at benny

" I gotta go " i said as i walked home and sarah came over and we sat on my bed together

" Your a cool girl and dating ethan " sarah said as i cut her off and stared at her as i smiled

" Ethan likes you " i said as sarah smirked

" Im his babysitter, wanna grab a bite? " Sarah asked me

" Im not a vampire " i said as she smiled at me and leaned closer

" I can bite you " sarah said flirtatiously as i smiled

" lets go to the diner " i said as me and sarah walked to the diner as my tounge trailed up my cup and licked the icecream as sarah stared and bit her lip as me and sarah walked home laughing

Rory's pov

The next morning i seen benny and i grabbed his hand and we talked in the closet as i seen mikayla staring at us with a smirk as sarah walked up to her as me and benny got confused

" Hey " sarah said

" Hey " mikayla said as they walked away smiling

" Im babysitting tonight if you wanna come over " sarah said

" Yeah " mikayla said smiling

We walked away and seen ethan as students talked to each other as me and benny walked away

" Rory " benny said

" Yeah " i said

" Your cool " benny said as i smiled at him

" Yeah, mikayla and sarah seem like good friends " i said smirking

" Sarah is messing with mikayla's head " benny said

" Sarah likes her " i said

" Shes mikayla's friend " benny said as we walked to ethans house and played video games inside

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