part 34

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Rory's pov

Outside at school me and alex were about to walk into the school together holding hands when we accidentally bumped into a girl with long wavy blonde hair and a skateboard causing her to fall onto the ground as alex helped her up

" Sorry, we weren't watching where we were going " i said as me and the girl kinda smiled at each other as alex grabbed the girls skateboard and looked at it

" Its okay, hi im tara..." Tara said as we smiled at each other

" I-im rory " i said as tara smiled at me

" Who's this? " Tara asked me

" Im alex, I'm Rory's girlfriend " alex said smiling as tara smiled

" Wow, so how long have you two been together? " Tara asked us

" Well, first i was with this psycho chick and then we dated on and off and i met alex through my best friend ethan morgan and we fell in love and mikayla my ex got jealous and tried to break us up multiple times and i was tired of alex and Mikayla fighting over me so i chose the girl i was in love with alex " i said as tara gave me a weirded out confused look as alex lightly punched my arm

" Wow, sounds crazy....its cool though I've had psycho ex's before to " tara said as i smiled

" So where's your next class? " I asked her as alex got alittle jealous

" Im sure she can find it " alex mumbled under her breath

" Its food room 12 " tara said

" Cool, its right next to the office " alex said as she grabbed my arm and i annoyingly smiled at her

During study hall tara slowly walked up to me and sat down in front of me with a library book and i looked at her

" So where's your girlfriend? " Tara asked me

" She's in math class...she hates math " i said as tara smirked

" Same, do you like dusk or star wars?? " Tara asked me as she went through her bag

" I like star wars i think dusk fans are so girls one of them but shes cool " i said as tara took a paper out of her bag and handed it to me

" Me to, this is a paper flyer for a star wars live action movie...i wanted to know if you would go with me as a friend " tara asked me as i glanced at the paper and back at tara

" Thanks tara but i dont think its a good girlfriend has a jealousy issue ever since mikayla and " i said as tara cut me off

" Actually i already asked alex and shes okay with us going to the movie together " tara said kinda smiling

" Really, that doesn't sound like alex " i said confused

" She did " tara said

" Okay, ill see you later then " i said as tara got up and smiled

Tara's pov

I was walking to class in the hallway when i walked by quiet small study area and i slowly backed up confused as i secretly looked and seen alex making out with a random boy and my jaw dropped as i took out my cellphone and took a picture and walked away, i didnt send the picture to rory cause i knew he wouldn't believe me. Alex seen me later in the hallway and walked up to me

" Hey tara, have you seen rory??" Alex asked me

" Why would i have seen rory? " I asked her as she rolled her eyes

" Cause your friend's...i wanted to talk to him " alex said

" About the fact that your cheating on him or that you want to break up? " I mumbled under my breath as alex got confused

" What?? " Alex asked me

" Nothing, I haven't seen him since study hall " i said as alex shrugged her shoulders and walked away

I sighed and rory found me and walked me up to his friends and introduced me

" Hi im tara " i said as i seen benny

" Hey, im sarah and this is erica...she doesn't know jesse does she? " Sarah asked me as i shook my head

" Rory, i have to tell you something but it'll break your heart...alex " i said as alex cut me off

" Their you are, rory my mom called me and she's gonna drive us home.... what's up with tara? " Alex asked rory

" She wanted to tell me something about you " rory said

" Oh yeah, like what? " Alex asked me crossing her arms

" Nothing, nothing...ill text you later " i said as rory smiled and alex smirked and they walked away

" What's up? " Sarah asked me

" I saw alex kissing another long have they been dating? " I said

" A year... I can't believe alex would cheat on you have a picture? " Sarah asked me as i sent her the picture and she sent the picture to the whole school

" Im gonna teach that backstabbing bitch a lesson in dating " sarah said as she walked away

" So where's mikayla? " I asked them

" What? " Ethan said

" Rory said he had a psycho ex " i said confused

" Oh, yeah...she moved " ethan said as i smiled

" Cool, im gonna go " i said

As i walked home alex ran up behind me and grabbed my shoulders as she jumped on my back and scared me

" Hey " alex said smiling

" Hey " i said

" Im headed to rorys...wanna come? " Alex asked me

" Actually i have homework to do...later " i said as alex shrugged her shoulders

Alex's pov

I walked up to Rory's bedroom and opened up his door and smiled at him as he was on his computer and he had a tear roll down his face and he was upset as i slowly walked up to him and seen a picture of me on his friendly face kissing another guy

" How could you cheat on me? " Rory asked me

" Im sorry, rory that picture is fake " i said scoffing

" Really? Cause sarah said its real and she got the picture from tara who seen you making out with some dude " rory said as i had tears in my eyes

" Shes obviously making it up to break us up...i saw the way she was looking at you when you first met....i didnt me " i said as a tear rolled down my face and rory shook his head

" Im sorry, we're done " rory said

" What are you saying? " I asked him

" I think we should see other people " rory said as i walked out of his house upset

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