part 9

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Mikayla's pov

In the morning i got dressed and went to work at the diner and seen Ethan and Sarah having a date so I decided to be their waitress. I walked up to them with a smile and holding my notepad and pen in my hand in my stupid diner outfit and hat and finally reached their table as they lost their smiles

" Hi, I'm Mikayla and I'll be your waitress " I said introducing myself to them

" Hey's everything going? " Sarah asked

" Good, what can I get for you today? " I said changing the subject

" Just two burgers with chicken tenders and two coca colas and maybe ranch dressing dip " Ethan said looking away

" Got it, will that be all? " I asked

" Um, actually I'll take menu number 115 organic " Sarah said

" Oh ok, um....they come in different flavors strawberry, chocolate, vanilla with mixtures of lime and orange sherbet to help with the taste " I said giving her options

" Um, strawberry will it natural? " Sarah asked

" Yes, we make them ourselfs... everything is organic and handmade " I said walking away and heading into the back

I made the drinks and grabbed a non clear cup and went into the deep walk in freezer all the way in the back and open a door to reveal thousands of blood bags from blood drives as I grabbed one and shut the door and placed it in a blender and added strawberry's and some other flavoring to make it organic I filled the non clear cup up and took everything out to their table and handed them everything. Our diner has a menu only vampires can read and see it's secret menu

" So how's your date going? " I asked Sarah as she nearly choked on the blood

" We're not dating... we're best friends " Ethan said

I walked away embarrassed but still felt something for Ethan then rory walked in and everyone looked at us

" Kayla, I just came to see's my special girl doing? " Rory said happily

" Not now rory I'm working...if you wanna bug someone Ethan and Sarah are over their " I said annoyed

Rory seemed bummed I didn't want to hang with him but i had Ethan on my mind so I looked over at him and he smiled at me while Sarah was on her phone and I smiled back, I turned away and did more tables and then left and bumped into Benny and he smiled at me so I blushed

" Hey Benny, what are you doing here? " I asked smiling

" Just hanging out with Ethan, you work here? " Benny asked

" Yeah, need to make money to support my know trashy house, expensive bills, and just doing side hustles for extra cash " I said feeling sad

" Hey, if you need help with some bills I have a supply life savings in my house attic behind some old books that none of my family members touch " Benny said with support

" I don't family wouldn't appreciate me taking charity from a dad is really really strict " I said shy

" Come on, give it a try " Benny said smiling

Benny grabbed my hand and I smiled and we walked all the way to my house while I was telling Benny a long story about how Sarah and I are slowly getting over our differences. He gave me a kiss on my cheek and I smiled and went inside, Benny likes me this is totally crazy and he is super cute...I mean honestly Ethan is in love with Sarah and rory is just a player who's obsessed with Erica...but Benny is a super sweet heart...the next morning I went to check mail and I had a big envelope in my name and I went up to my room and sat on my bed as i opened the envelope their was a box with snowflakes in it so I opened the box and nothing but stacks of cash was inside the box and a rose with a letter from Benny this is for you, I hope it helps you. Benny I smiled and put the rose in a glass vase with water and grabbed a plastic baggie and placed the cash in different bags and labelled them and placed them in the box and put it in my drawer and went outside and see Benny and ran up to him and hugged him and we headed to school as we seen the guys, Sarah was drinking a juice box with a frustrated look and rory was holding a doll with fangs and Ethan was on his phone

" Hey Sarah, what's up with the juice box...did you turn eleven last night? " I said as Sarah rolled her eyes

" It's a blood substitute from Benny's causes nauseou, bloating, sleep drooling and the occasional vomiting which I haven't gotten yet " Sarah said sipping on the juice box

" What's it smell like...what does it taste like? " I asked curious as Sarah smiled

" It smells like the inside of someone's rotten shoe...and tastes like blood but without the disgusting taste " Sarah said handing me the box as I grabbed it

" Please, don't " Benny said with a gross look

I sniffed the straw of the juice box and it smelled like something died inside it, like someone drained a dead rat of blood and jammed it inside the juice box and left it their. I gave it back to Sarah and nearly choked on my own vomit as she smiled, Erica sped up to us and had an attitude as always

" Okay, what's up with the juice box? " Erica asked as I smiled

" It's a blood substitute leave me alone " Sarah said

" Well...lucky you, I've been having a hard time finding a good snack around here...I'm starving and could really go for a bite right now " Erica said hangrily

" Just find a date and snack on them " I said

" Teenagers are full of junk food and hormones...that will mess up my skin, maybe next time don't give a stupid answer freak " Erica said walking away

" Bitch, what the fucks her problem? Ever since she became a stupid vampire her attitudes changed and she thinks she's so hot and better then everyone " I said as benny wouldn't stop staring at her

Benny continued looking at Erica and I felt alittle jealous and Sarah and Ethan noticed as I walked away, Sarah followed after me and was trying to deal with my jealousy and Sarah sensed it

" What's going on with you and Benny? " Sarah asked

" Nothing, he just helped me with some family issues...he's a sweetheart " I said with a burning feeling in my stomach

" That's not nothing, do you like Benny? " Sarah asked being nosy

" Look, I don't have a crush on Benny and even if I did it's none of your business... we're not even friends considering you got me fired and stole Ethan back from me...luckily this isn't anything for you to fuck up " I said walking away as Sarah hissed at me and I gave her the fuck you finger

During class I kept staring at Benny and drawing in my journal his face and name until the bell rang, then at lunch we all sat together and started laughing and talking and I took my peas and secretly threw them at Benny until he looked at me and secretly smiled at me and I smiled back. Benny was going through his spell book in class and I turned to him and smiled as he glanced at me and smiled back and after school I seen Benny and Ethan getting excited over a car and driving off as I smiled

" hey listen about earlier...I'm really sorry I made you mad and got in your business " Sarah said coming up to me

" It's okay, I know your just having a hard time because of the blood substitute but I think I have something that will help " I said walking to the grave with sarah

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