part 11

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Ethan's pov

At home rory took out a weight measurer and brought a small bag of chocolate, me and Benny were on opposite sides of the weight measurer and rory opened the small bag and began asking us questions. I never even knew Benny had a crush on mikayla he never showed interest in her and always talked about how he was annoyed and disgusted by her, he never even talked about liking her or said anything nice about her just always got annoyed and picked on her. I finally realized what I was saying as I looked at Benny and it just finally came to me

" Oh my god, you liked her the entire time " I said as they both looked at me

" What are talking about? " Benny asked

" The day we met Mikayla all those times that you were annoyed by her and picked on her including the time she came liked her the whole time " I said feeling like an idiot

" Can we not focus on that right now " rory said grabbing a piece of chocolate from the bag

" Okay so what did you first think of Mikayla when you saw her? " Rory asked

Me and Benny both got silent thinking

" .....oh, come on....are you kidding me? " Rory said waiting

" I thought she was a mean girl that only cares about herself..." I said

" I didn't ever think any of those things...I just felt really annoyed by her " Benny said As i knew he was lying

Rory placed a piece of chocolate on the scale and grabbed another one

" What's your favorite thing about her? " Rory asked

" I don't know....the way she smiles " I said

" I love how her heart is...on the outside she's mean and smart mouthed but on the inside she's sweet and broken " Benny said

Rory put another piece of chocolate on the scale and grabbed another

" Okay I have one....Mikayla was this mean bad girl the first time we met her and it was her that picked on us first...but who likes her for her and not just because we're desperate " I said

" What's that supposed to mean? " Benny asked me

" It means you only Mikayla cause your desperate " i said

" Oh im desperate....says the boy who's afraid to ask out sarah " benny said

" You know i dont like your tone right now " i said as rory shook his head and rolled his eyes as me and benny argued

Rory put the chocolate on the scale and grabbed another one being annoyed

" Yeah, but she also shows other sides that none of you want to see...all you care about is how awful she is...yeah I saw it once or twice but I got to see some sides of her that really surprised me " Benny said as I rolled my eyes

Benny's scale side was more full then mine and so I finally decided to end this whole drama between the both of us before it got worser

" Benny know what just go to Mikayla and tell her you love her " I said smiling

" Are you sure? " Benny asked

" Yeah, besides I think I still have a shot with Sarah " I said as I got bummed seeing Benny walk away

" He's gonna give her a promise ring " rory said as my eyes widened

Benny's pov

I headed over to mikayla's house freezing my butt off from the cold as i went into mikayla's house and we sat down together and i inhaled and exhaled nervously because I've been waiting for so long to tell Mikayla this and she was smiling at me like she had been waiting for this moment

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