Part 46

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mikayla's pov

at ethan's home i was talking to benny and sarah about ethan and they kept asking me to talk to him and i nodded and left the house

sarah's pov

me and benny were talking trying to figure out how to bring ethan home and rory was helping us...

" okay, ethan need's to know we care so he'll come back " i said as benny got confused 

" or we could talk to the vampire council " benny said as i shrugged

" what? no, come on " i said as we walked to school and we seen ethan in the mirror like hallway and walked up to him and he started writing something on the mirror

" hey " ethan said as i smiled 

" hey, we're trying to help you come home " i said as ethan shook his head and wrote something on the mirror

" no, i have to stay " ethan said as i shook my head

" dude, if you stay you'll lose your mortal body " benny said as ethan wrote something on the mirror

" i can't come home if i'm a fledgling " ethan wrote on the mirror

" you can if i suck out the venom " i said as ethan got confused 

" ethan we care about you " i said as ethan smiled and turned and disappeared into thin air

" i don't know how to get through to him " i said sighing

 " i don't think we can " benny said as i got confused

" what? " i said

" he's not gonna come home if he's a vampire " benny said as i nodded

" if he doesn't he'll lose his mortal body " i said as we went to class and then went back to ethan's house and even though it had been half a week and ethan was still in the limbo he was slowly losing his mortal body

" sarah, maybe i can cast a spell on him " benny said as i sighed

" i don't care... he's already lost his mortal body and can't come we can't communicate with him " i said as benny got bummed out and Mikayla walked into the house

" hey " mikayla said as we were annoyed by her

" what? " i asked her

" i'm sorry ethan can't come back and that he's a fledgling now...." mikayla said as benny scoffed 

" we tried to convince him " i said as mikayla smiled 

" but he's to in love with you " benny said as mikayla smirked

" ethan's in love with me? " mikayla asked me as i smiled

" that's it, mikayla can convince him..." i said to benny as benny and mikayla laughed

" no, ethan doesn't want to come back not if i can't " mikayla said as i got confused

" what? " i asked her

" i asked ethan if he wanted to come back and he said no because i can't come back " mikayla said as benny got confused

" but you are back? " benny said confused

" not really, i'm only part of your imagination " mikayla said as we sighed And mikayla walked away and their were words showing up on bennys magic journal " hey " ethan wrote as he asked us to talk and we walked out back and looked for ethan who slowly walked up to us but when i tried to hug him i got blocked by a mirror like backyard and benny was confused

" Can you hear us? " I asked ethan as he smiled and nodded

" Benny " i said as benny casted a spell so we could hear ethan

" Guys " ethan said all wonky like as we smiled

" Ethan we're trying to bring you home " benny said as ethan sighed

" Im not coming staying with mikayla " ethan said as i was confused

" Shes the reason your in the limbo " i said as ethan smirked

" I know but i love mikayla and you guys are always gonna hate her " ethan said as mikayla walked up to ethan slowly and linked her arm with his

" Ethan, no " i said

" Dude, shes using you " benny said as ethan shook his head

" No, you guys were using dont know what mikayla has been through and i learned that from staying here....mikayla loves me and i love sorry but i care about her i always did " ethan said as i groaned in annoyance

" Ethan, we gotta go " mikayla said as ethan smiled at her

" Im sorry " ethan said

" Ethan! " I said as ethan and mikayla slowly faded into thin air and their mortal bodys disappeared and we walked inside

" Hes gone " benny said as i sighed

" Yeah, we can't communicate with him or see him " i said feeling bummed out

" Why did rory ever have to bring mikayla into our lives!!? " Benny said shouting

" Its all rorys fault!! " Benny said as he grabbed a glass cup and threw it on the floor and broke it as he leaned against the counter

" If rory never brought mikayla into our lives...ethan would still be here and rory would be with someone else " i said annoyed

" Maybe ethan really was in love with mikayla " i said as benny gave me a confused look

" I dont know, but ethan was my best friend and mikayla stole him " benny said hurt and upset

" What was he talking about when mikayla was going through more than knew? " I asked benny because he dated mikayla

" Mikayla didnt have a great home life...her father was an alcoholic and her mother had a bad job, ethan knew that but he didnt care....he tried breaking up with her when he thought the relationship wasn't working out but it only made him want to be with her more...he even tried breaking up rory and her and me and her because he was connected...." Benny said as i smiled

" Ethan and mikayla were in love... " I said bummed out

" Everything mikayla was all us..." I said confused

" I dont know " benny said

" I gotta go " i said getting up as benny sighed

" Ill see you later " benny said as i walked outside and walked home

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