part 15

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Mikaylas pov

After a week from Rory's break-up i felt bad about him and hannah considering im the reason he dumped her, i did nothing but hang out with ethan and it was making rory insanely jealous he even wanted me to turn into a vampire so we could be together but I didn't want to. During the night i spent the night at Ethan's in his room, he wore his star trek jammies and i wore bunny jammies. Sarah hated me even more now that i was still friends with ethan and it made me think she had a tiny crush on him even though shes his babysitter and a vampire

" Rory still made you turned down the offer of becoming a vampire? " Ethan asked me as sighed

" Yeah, i think he's also more mad at the fact he dumped hannah for nothing because he thought i wanted to be with him....he hasn't been answering my calls or texts and i haven't seen him in school that often " i said bummed out that rory stopped being friends with me

" Hey, im your friend " ethan said to me

" Yeah, one that has a love-hate relationship with me....sometimes i miss being friends with rory, he doesnt understand why im still cool with you after you told me you only wanted to be with me because you wanted a girlfriend before he does....and i told him we're not dating " i said annoyed

" Hey, Rory's an idiot...okay we're all nerds and your more of a hot cheerleader who's a " ethan said as i glared at him

" Sweet sweet classy young woman " ethan said nervously

" Benny didn't really like me did he? " I asked ethan

" No, im sorry he just doesn't trust you  and sarah still thinks you work with jesse " ethan said as i nodded

" And you think im hot " i said smiling

" I'll always think your hot i just can't show it around my friends because they hate you " ethan said as i leaned in and kissed him and he kissed me back nervously as we layed down in his bed in our underwear making out as he was nervous so i went down on him and began sucking him off as his moans filled his entire room. I layed back and he stuck it inside me as he slowly kinda thrusted inside me as i slightly moaned and he moaned until he started going faster and came inside me as we layed down and relaxed

" That was amazing " i said nervously

" Yeah, maybe we should go watch a movie " ethan said awkwardly as we got dressed and headed downstairs to see jesse as our smiles turned to frowns

" Jesse, what are you doing here? " I asked him

" You work for me and i have a job for you " jesse said as i rolled my eyes

" No i dont, im not a vampire " i said angrily

" That's the job, you become a vampire and work for where's sarah " jesse said as ethan bumped me to the side as i gave him an offended look

" Playing a game with jane " ethan said angrily

" Ah, Ethan still crushing on your hot babysitter...funny how your in highschool and still need a babysitter...a geek will always be a geek " jesse said as i grabbed a metal pole and began fighting with jesse as benny ran into the house as me and jesse were fighting, i threw my pole at him as he bent it and threw it and kicked me into the couch as he smiled at the boys

" Ill see you later " jesse said super speeding out

" I can't believe you did that, he could have bit you " ethan said angrily

" Oh im sorry your welcome ethan for kicking Jesse's butt for you " i said annoyed

" More like he kicked your butt " benny said smiling

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