part 21

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Ethan's pov

Months after rory and mikayla started dating they started getting into arguments over stupid things and a new guy showed up to school and befriended mikayla making rory jealous, during lunch mikayla had her new friend sit with us and rory didn't like him

" Hey im new " lucas said as mikayla smiled at us

" Lucas, great more new friends " rory said rolling his eyes

" Im ethan, this is benny and sarah and you know rory " i said as lucas smiled

" Im rory, mikayla's boyfriend " rory said with a jealous smile

" Rory, lucas why don't you sign up for the theater with me " mikayla asked lucas

" Sure, wow i like your necklace" lucas said to mikayla

" I bought it for her " rory said

" Well me and my family like to make things homemade, i made my mom a carved necklace and she loves it " lucas said as rory had a jealous smile

" Wow, so you tell me you love me and then you start dating rory and now you have another new guy friend " benny said rolling his eyes

" I didnt think I'd need your babysitting to have friends " mikayla said with a smart mouth

" Now i remember why I don't like you because your a witch " benny said as lucas got mad

" Hey, mikayla's the coolest girl ever and she doesnt need nerds telling her who she can and cannot hang out with " lucas said as rory got jealous

" Seem to know alot about her, what is he your new boyfriend? " Rory said with a jealous tone

" Rory " mikayla said as rory got up and left

Mikayla's pov

I walked around the school looking for rory as i found him standing alone looking at pictures of us on his phone so i crossed my arms as lucas watched

" What is wrong with you?? " I asked rory

" Im your boyfriend not lucas " rory said

" I know that, but your acting like a jealous maniac " i said as rory scoffed

" You've spent three days with lucas and everytime i wanna hang out you ignore me for him " rory said getting in my face

" He's just a friend, rory if you can't be cool with me having guys as my friend's then we can't be together " i said shaking my head as rory scoffed at me

" Baby, come on im sorry...." Rory said as i walked away smiling as lucas followed me

" Why did you do that? " Lucas asked me

" Because he always buys me stuff to keep us together....what you really think i like that idiot, come on ethan is way better than him " i said walking away as lucas watched me and slightly shook his head

Later at home i walked into my room and there was a bouquet of flowers and a bear and a note from rory " sorry, i love you " it said as i smiled and lucas came in through my window as i smiled at him

" They know im a vampire right? " Lucas asked me

" No " i said laughing

" You need to tell them " lucas said

" Why? Your not my boyfriend, rory is my boyfriend " i said as lucas rolled his eyes

" Because i know their obsessed with supernatural things and they hated jesse, i dont want them to think im working for him to " lucas said

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