part 29

17 1 1

Rory's pov

A week after the dance mikayla started hanging out with me and alex seemed kinda jealous, during lunch we all sat together and mikayla hit on me and my friend's didn't like it and i kept moving my hand everytime she held it

" Rory, did you do your history homework for mr.g's class? " Alex asked me as i looked through my bag and noticed mikayla and alex glaring at each other

" Yeah " i said handing her my notes as she wrote down some notes in her textbook

" Always need your crush's help for school or do you just like him? " Mikayla said giving alex a smart mouth

" Kinda like you huh? " Alex said getting smart with alex back

" Some girls like playing peasant to get what they want " mikayla said as alex got smart

" Oh, right i mean that's how you got with benny, rory and played peasant girl " alex said as mikayla got up and alex got up

" They liked me unlike how their into you...." Mikayla said to alex

" Sarah said nobody liked you....there my friends and im sorry they dont like you....rory, here's your notes and ill see you later " alex said handing me back my notes and walking away as Mikayla sat down and smirked

" Witch " benny said to mikayla

Alex's pov

Rory walked up to me after lunch and i smiled at him and he said he liked me like how ethan likes me

" Rory, we're friends and my parents are strict when it comes to boys " i said as rory sighed

" I can talk to them about me and you dating " rory said as i sigh

" Rory, they hate boys " i said

" Alex, i really like you " rory said as ethan and mikayla saw rory hold my hand as i smiled

" Like how you liked mikayla? " I said as rory smiled

" That wasn't a relationship, i like you alot " rory said as i smiled

" Ill talk to my parents " i said as ethan walked home with me

" Your gonna date rory? " Ethan asked me

" I dont know, my parents are strict..." I said as ethan held my hand and i smiled

" Maybe, me and you could be a thing " ethan said as i sighed

" Ethan " i said as ethan pulled me closer and softly caressed my face with his hand as we kissed and pulled apart

" Ill see you later " i said walking away

Ethan's pov

Later at home i kept dreaming about alex cause she wasn't like Mikayla...we kissed and she likes me and rory, if she dates rory he's gonna want to turn her into a vampire and she doesn't know we're not normal

" I kissed alex " i said as benny looked at me confused

" What? " Benny said

" I kissed alex and i like her " i said as benny sighed

" Rory and her are so different from us...its like ever since he met her he's wanting to turn her " i said as benny giggled

" Rory is an idiot....he flirts with every girl he sees, alex isnt the only girl he's flirting with or wanting to date " benny said as we played video games

Alex's pov

I was talking to my parents about letting me date and they didn't want me dating boys cause they wanted me to focus on my school work for college, we ate dinner and my dad said i couldn't date boys until i graduated college and my mom said i could

" Shes 17, shes not even allowed to leave the house at night " my dad said to my mom

" Shes a teenage girl who's " my mom said as my dad cut her off

" Who's being seduced and hit on by teenage boys who just want in her pants " my dad said as i got sick to my stomach and went to bed while my parents talked

I texted rory and he came over and he talked to me at my window, i opened my window and looked down at his feet and he was flying as he smiled at me

" You gonna let me in? " Rory asked me as i nodded

" Yeah " i said as rory came in my window

" You can fly? " I asked rory as he smiled

" Yeah, um...dont get weirded a vampire " rory said showing me his fangs as i smiled

" Cool " i said smiling as he smiled back

" Are we allowed to date? " Rory asked me as i shook my head

" Im sorry, your really cute for a vampire " i said as rory leaned in and kissed me and i kissed him back as he pulled away with an in love look like how ethan had on his face

Rory left and i laid on my bed and looked through ethan and rorys old pictures and i sighed as i fell asleep and the next morning i walked to school and seen rory and ethan who smiled at me and i smiled back cause i kissed both boys, in the bathroom mikayla walked up to me and smirked

" You really want to date those nerds? " Mikayla said

" Only one of them..." I said fixing my hair

" Ethan? He's into sarah, always was...we dated and he dumped me for her cause she's a vampire " mikayla said as i looked at her

" Sarah's a vampire? I dont wanna date ethan....i wanna date rory " i said as mikayla's smile faded

" Dont date rory, he'll want to turn you...i dated him and he wanted to bite me " mikayla said as i sighed

" What? " I said confused

" The boys will love you and love you and love you and fuck you and dump you " mikayla said as she left the bathroom

I walked to my locker and rory walked up to me and smiled

" Hey cutie " i said as rory looked at me with love in his eyes

" What? " I said

" You called me cutie " rory said

" Your my boyfriend " i said as rorys smile widened

" I am, your parents said they dont want you dating? " Rory said confused

" We're a secret couple " i said

" Oooh, my girlfriend is " rory said as i cut him off by kissing him

" Ill see you later " i said walking away

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