part 39

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Alex's pov

During school sarah and erica walked through the halls with me because they wanted to know who i would pick to be with forever and i kept smiling and shook my head as the boys walked down the hall together and i had my eyes on one of the boys and erica noticed

" I know who she wants to be with forever " erica said as sarah rolled her eyes

" Even if me and him were to get together... he's to much of a flirt " i said bummed out as we sat down in the library and benny sat down in front of me

" Sup foxys " benny said as we stared at him with annoyance as he glanced at my wrist which had his shoe string around it and ethan came up to us with a smile

" Hey, what's up? " Ethan said as i showed him a paper that i found in his room it matched Benny's picture of the one he gave me

" I don't get it " ethan said as i bit my lip and sighed

" Benny says that i am mikayla " i said as ethan scoffed and him and benny began arguing as i rolled my eyes

" Hello, dorks...even if i am this doesn't change how you guys feel about me does it?? " I asked them as they got confused

" What?? " Ethan asked me completely confused

" Nothing, i gotta go " i said walking away as ethan felt confused

Ethan's pov

At home i sat on the couch holding a bracelet that benny gave back to me that he was supposed to give to Mikayla but he didn't, alex walked up to me and sat down and i smiled at her

" Hey, i know benny said your mikayla but benny is an idiot " i said as alex scoffed and showed me her neck

" Im not mikayla...but i can tell you definitely had a thing for her that the other guys cant see " alex said as i got confused

" What? " I said scoffing with a smile

" You and mikayla had a thing for each other and benny liked her to but not as much as you, i know rory had a crush but he doesnt anymore " alex said as i got closer to her

" Mikayla and me were kinda friends and we had a thing for each other that rory didnt like...i found out benny liked her but he was embarrassed by her, i mean they were boyfriend and girlfriend but she dumped him " i said as alex nodded

" Yeah she did, cause she wanted to be with you " alex said as i got confused

" What?? " I said as alex grabbed her bag and took out some papers and love letters and pictures and a promise ring

" She drew these while dating benny and wrote these for you and bought love letters for you....benny gave her this ring when you told him to ask her out " alex said as i took the promise and she grabbed the papers and handed me a note

" Mikayla wanted me to give this to you, ill see you " alex said leaving as i read the note and smiled as i texted mikayla and she came over

Mikayla's pov

I stepped into Ethan's house and leaned against his wall as he showed me the promise ring that benny gave to me and i walked over to him and sat down as i took it

" Does benny still like you? " Ethan asked me as i nodded my head

" I liked him alot but he's to much of a flirt for me " i said as i got confused and got up and walked around slowly as i turned to ethan and crossed my arms

" Why do you have the promise ring benny gave me?? " I asked ethan as he looked down

" It was told benny to come to my house and ask me out even though he didnt like me " i said as i felt hurt

" I wanted to be " ethan said as i cut him off

" You wanted to play with my feelings until you could understand yours... that's why you told benny to ask me out and why you told rory you liked me and why you didn't ask me out " i said hurt as ethan got up and felt confused

" You were mean to my friends and i was confused about how i felt about you...all three of us were confused! " Ethan said as i scoffed

" You guys confused me! I dont get why guys act like they like a girl and then pick who's gonna ask her out like shes a cookie...i felt hurt when i seen you dating sarah and you didnt care!! Benny used me to make della jealous! Rory just wanted me to become a vampire!! Your the only guy that i thought actually loved me but your to in love with your babysitter!! " I said shouting in an upset tone as ethan walked closer to me

" Sarah is just my friend and babysitter!! Shes a vampire and maybe i liked her...but your the one who acted like you didnt care how you felt about me! You played with our feelings and messed with our heads!!! " Ethan shouted at me with tears building up in his eyes

" Im sorry! " I shouted with tears falling down my face

" Your sorry! Sorry, for bullying sarah in the cemetery! Sorry, for messing with our heads! You know sarah was just a friend and she still is and i like you alot and i " ethan said but i ran out of his house crying as i dropped my promise ring on his floor

" Mikayla! " Ethan said running after me as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back

" Ethan, i " i said but ethan cut me off

" Mikayla, i like you " ethan said as he grabbed both my hands and intertwined my fingers as i kinda smiled and he got closer to me

" I like you to " i said as we slowly leaned in and our lips were slowly touching when sarah seen us and we moved away alittle

" Hey sarah " i said nervously

" Ethan, can i talk to you now? " Sarah said as ethan walked over to sarah

" Why are you two kissing? " Sarah asked ethan

" Because i like her " ethan said as sarah scoffed with a smile

" You know she messed with your head right? " Sarah said as ethan scoffed

" You know what sarah, your my babysitter at home and my friend at school but ill date who i want to date...i like mikayla and you can babysit us in the living room but not at school " ethan said as i smiled and sarah shook her head at me and walked away as ethan walked up to me and kissed me and i kissed him back

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