part 31

14 1 0

Alex's pov

Late at Ethan's house me and rory were in the kitchen talking and i was mad at him, sarah heard our conversation and ran into the kitchen

" You told her parents your a vampire? " Sarah said

" What? " Benny and ethan said in unison

" Rory, told my parents he's a vampire cause he said i was embarrassed to be with him " i said as ethan looked away

" I told your parents cause i liked you... I didn't tell mikaylas parents " rory said as i scoffed

" You told Alex's parent? " Ethan said

" Cause i like her " rory said

" Rory, you told her parents cause you never told mikaylas..." Ethan said as i got confused

" Mikayla did say you two had a relationship " i said as sarah walked up to me

" Alex, i dont know what mikayla is telling you...she can't be trusted " sarah said

" Alex, im gonna walk you home " rory said as i nodded

Rory flew me home and he stood in the window as i walked up to him

" I really like you... Mikayla can't be trusted..." Rory said as me and rory kissed

We kept making out and we layed in my bed and he took off his shirt and i took off mine and he sucked on my neck like he was smelling my blood, later rory got dressed and i got dressed and i hugged him

" Ill see you later " rory said flying out my window as i smiled

The next day at school mikayla walked up to me and smiled as i rolled my eyes at her

" What? " I said as she handed my a stick and i grabbed it

" Can you let rory know he's the father of my baby " Mikayla said as my jaw slightly dropped and i had heartbreak in my eyes

" What is this? " I said

" Rory didnt tell you...we hooked up " mikayla said

" He said you two dated " i said bummed out

" I said he couldn't be trusted " mikayla said

" I trust him " i said

" Ask him about our relationship " mikayla said as i smiled

During lunch i handed rory his test and he got confused along with our friends

" Alex? " Rory asked me

" You didnt tell me you and mikayla hooked up and she got pregnant " i said hurt

" Mikayla, she can't be trusted...." Rory said as i walked away and ethan looked at the test and then mikayla and seen how hurt rory was

Later i walked home and ethan and benny walked up to me and i smiled at them

" Alex, rory really likes you and he's an idiot and a really good friend " ethan said

" Yeah, he's a great friend " benny said

" Guys, its cool...mikayla and rory dated...its cool....i gotta go " i said as ethan pulled me back

" I know mikayla says we cant be trusted....she can't be trusted...." Ethan said as him and benny walked away

Later at home rory came in through my window and sat on my bed with me as he took out a small box and opened it

" Its a bracelet....i bought it " rory said as i looked at it and it had my name on it

" What? " I said giggling

" I really really like you " rory said as i cut him off and took the box and smiled

" I really really like you to...." I said getting up and grabbing my treasure box and sitting back down as i opened it up and handed rory the pictures

" The girl looks like mikayla " rory said

" Shes a friend of mine....we were like best friends " i said as i opened the secret pocket and took out the secret photo as he looked at it

" Thats you and that's your friend at a party " rory said

" Yeah, it was a " i said nervously

" That house i know that house...i was at this senior party...where i got bit by a vampire..." Rory said

" Yeah, i was at the senior party... Jesse's senior party..." I said as Rory's eyes widened

" Alex " rory said

" My friend took those pictures of us and then my friend walked upstairs with jesses friend and he bit her....i put our pictures in this box " i said bummed out

" Alex " rory said

" Jesse's friend turned her and she drove me home.,..she didn't want me getting bit by a vampire.. " i said bummed out as rory comforted me

" Yeah, i used to date mikayla and i was in love with her....i trusted her and i was wrapped around her finger... what's your friends name? " Rory said

" Her name was taylor " i said

" Oh cool " rory said

My dad knocked on my door and rory flew out the window and my dad came in and made me go to sleep

Rory's pov

During school i walked up to mikayla and she smiled when she seen me, mikayla pulled me in to kiss me and i pushed her away

" Mikayla, we're with alex now " i said as mikayla seemed mad

" Your dumping me for that bitch? " Mikayla said

" We weren't dating! You cant be trusted! " I said as mikayla started crying

" I love you " mikayla said

" I love alex " i said

" Im having your baby " mikayla said as i smiled and scoffed and walked away

During class alex sat next to me and i talked to her about turning into a vampire to be with me, she sighed and i walked her home

" I love you and i want you to turn " i said as alex smirked

" Rory, my parents wont let us be together and ill be grounded for three months " alex said smiling

" My parents dont know im a vampire " i said as alex smiled

" Okay, ill see you later " i said as i went inside my house and rory flew in through my window and smiled

" I love you rory " i said

" I love you " rory said as we kissed and hugged and rory bit my neck as i felt his sharp fangs on my neck

" Ill see you later " rory said flying through my window and leaving my house as i layed down smiling

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