part 36

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Alex's pov

It had been a month since i stopped day dreaming, i couldn't believe that everything i dreamt about was a and ethan grew closer together but rory was starting to act weird to me and ethan was getting the crushes on me, i didnt wanna believe that i day dreamed everything cause everything felt to weird and nobody was acting normal

" This is to weird " i mumbled to myself as me and ethan sat next to each other

" Weirder than me and you? " Ethan said as i gave him a confused look

" What? " I asked him

" Come on " ethan said as he leaned in and i stood up

" Thats it, we're not related and im not adopted....this is some fantasy i put myself in and now I can't leave " i said as ethan smiled and stood up

" Yeah you can " ethan said as he showed me some pictures

" These are from the other fantasy i was did get these? " I asked ethan

" I dont know, they were in your phone " ethan said as i looked at the picture but it wouldn't move and i kept focusing cause it was the day i met ethan and rory

" It won't move " i said as ethan got confused

" What? Try concentrating harder " ethan said as i focused and concentrated harder but the picture wouldn't move

" It still wont move, mikayla probably put some sort of block on this fantasy world " i said as ethan got confused

" Or maybe you really were just day dreaming " ethan said as i looked at him

" You think im making all of this up? " I said confused

" I dont know " ethan said

" You think im making it up " i said feeling bummed out

" I know rory will believe me " i said leaving the house and going to see rory as i sat on his bed and explained to him about everything about the whole day dreaming thing and our picture

" Wow " rory said smiling confused as he kinda giggled

" ..... " I sat their waiting for him to look at him as he shook his head

" So let me understand this, in your day dream i was obsessed with a girl named mikayla and so was ethan and benny and we were wrapped around her fingers and then she dumped us all....i met you and we fell in love and i chose you and mikayla didnt like that so she locked you in her basement and now your like trapped in our what you believe is a fantasy world?? " Rory said as i nodded and showed him the pictures from my phone which confused him

" Yeah, and if you don't believe me then im leaving you " i said as he gave me a confused look

" What? Is that me? That's what i look like in your fantasy world?? " Rory asked me as he seen the older version and more mature side of him

" Yeah, its like a fantasy but its like no matter where i am i still love you " i said as rory scoffed and we made out as i was slowly loving this rory cause he knew how to make out, rory sucked on my neck and took off my shirt slowly and kissed my body down to my pants as he took them off and he took off his shirt and pants and later we were panting as we moaned and rory thrusted himself inside me slowly but a part of me also knew it wasn't rory i was with later rory helped me figure out my pictures and i tried focusing on a picture of me and rory sitting in my room on my bed but the picture didnt move so we tried different ones

" Nothing, she put a spell on all these pictures to keep me trapped " i said as rory clamped up his smile

" Is their a special picture or something that you have kept away so that nobody finds it?? " Rory asked me as i remembered my treasure box and he used his superspeed and ran back and fourth to my house and back to his and sat down next to me as he placed my treasure box in front of me

" Rory, i love you " i said as he kissed my cheek and i looked at the picture of me and my friend and rory glanced at me and the picture and i sighed as i put it down

" Fuck! Please dont be crazy! " I screamed as rory comforted me and calmed me down as i cried in his arms 

During the night rory was up late and i was laying down trying to sleep but i kept looking at the pictures and rory took my phone from me

" Rory " i said

" Im gonna grab a bite to eat " rory said leaving the house as i cried myself to sleep

The next morning i woke up and i ate breakfast and seen an old picture of me and rory on the fridge we were standing in a hall and i was in between ethan and rory and benny was next to sarah and sarah was next to erica, i tried focusing on the picture but i was trapped in this fantasy. I walked to school with rory and i signed up for theater and ethan and rory brought me some water in my dressing room as i stood up and smiled at him

" I just wanted to tell you even if we're in different fantasy worlds...last night was amazing...i love you and just cause i dont believe in what your saying doesn't mean i dont believe you....and if you choose ethan over me in your other fantasy world....ill still love you " rory said as i sweetly smiled

" I love you to " i said as rory kissed my cheek and he walked away but them slowly turned to me and threw me my phone that hit my cup of water knocking it over and the water fell on the floor as i looked at him and he slowly walked out as i giggled and turned to my mirror slipping on the water and hitting my head on the desk as i went unconscious on the floor

Rory's pov

" Alex! Alex! " I said shaking alex awake as she slowly opened her eyes and coughed

" Rory??? " Alex said confused as i smiled

" Yeah " i said as alex looked around as i was still on the floor of the fantasy world

" What happened?? " Alex asked me

" You slipped and hit your head " i said as i helped alex up and she had a bruise on her forehead

" Ill walk you to the nurse " i said as me and alex left the dressing room

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