part 7

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Ethan's pov

Late at night I walked over to mikayla's house and knocked on the door, Sarah texted me that it was a bad idea going over to her house considering her parents might feed off my blood but I already said yes. Mikayla opened the door and let me in and boy was her house a mess, beer bottles all over the living room table and books and trash and food was lying around. It smelled so bad I wasn't sure whether to throw up or leave so I covered my nose, I seen a guy in a rocking chair light a cigarette up and watched a football game as her mother was going through articles

" God what died in this house? Do you guys always live like this? " I asked as she shrugged her shoulders and shut the door

" Kayla, who's at the door?! " The guy asked as she walked me over to meet him

" Dad this is Ethan my friend....Ethan this is my dad Stanley " mikayla said as her dad eyed me

" Nice to meet you? " I said as he stood up and got in my face

" Aren't you that weird little nerd boy with the uptight babysitter who's always complaining..." He asked as I nodded

" Yeah, she's my babysitter and my sisters sitter " I said feeling embarrassed

" What do you like her or something? No parent would allow a pretty teenage girl like that babysit their son alone while they go out not knowing they were doing stuff..." He said curious

" No, I don't like Sarah like that " I said but he didn't believe me

" Dad, me and Ethan need to study my room " Kayla said as I headed up the stairs with her

We sat in her room and she grabbed three books as we started reading them, mikayla got up and she made us two drinks which was sweet

Mikayla's pov

Now was my chance to drink Ethan's blood so I got up and made us two drinks and opened my necklace and squeezed two drops of unconscious potion into Ethan's drink which will only knock him out for three minutes long enough for me to drink his blood, I closed my necklace and handed Ethan his drink as he set it down and we talked

" You know Sarah was really worried about you today, she still thinks your lying " Ethan said

" I don't care about Sarah and neither should you...don't you see she's just spending time with you because she feels sorry for you...your a nerd and that's all she sees " I said offending Ethan

" Sarah has been my friend way longer then you have, I don't appreciate the mean comments towards her..." Ethan said as he took a large sip of his water then got a bad after taste

" Hey, did you put something in this? " Ethan asked feeling woozy

" Yeah I did, sleeping potion but only three should wake up in about three minutes " I said as ethan passed out and spilled his water

I grabbed a needle and IV bag and put them together then put the needle in Ethan's arm and slowly drained him of his the bag filled up I checked the time and I only had one minute till Ethan wakes up so I took out the needle and threw it away then grabbed a cup and put the bag in the freezer to chill as he woke up with a headache

" What did you do? " Ethan asked as I smiled

" You really believed me when I said I was human...yeah I'm not human I need seers blood to stay a vampire and I got it, now all I need to do is fill this gold cup up with blood and drink it and Im a full vampire forever " I said as I filled the cup up as Ethan took it from me

" You stole my blood and used me " Ethan said angrily

" Ethan, give it to me now...or I will hurt you " I said taking the cup from him and drinking from it

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