part 30

17 1 0

Alex's pov

Late at night me and rory were in my room playing a game, rory started looking around my room and found a small box with my name on it and opened it as he seen pictures of me with a girl who looked like mikayla. Their was a best friend necklace and a butterfly ring and their was a secret pocket on the box that he opened and i closed it and shut my treasure box and sighed

" Im sorry, who was that girl? " Rory asked me

" No one, she's no one " i said

" Shes obviously someone, i mean you have pictures a friendship necklace and a ring and a secret pocket with a picture in it " rory said

" She's no parents dont know your in my room or that we're dating and if you shout they'll come upstairs to my room and ill be grounded for two months...shes noone " i said as rory nodded

" She must be special " rory said as we sat on my bed

" Yeah, she was...before she walked out on me and my family " i said in a sad tone as rory got confused

" Shes related to you? " Rory asked me

" Not really, my family and i know her really well " i said as rory got confused

" Why is her pictures in your treasure box then? " Rory asked me

" Cause....she was my best friend then she left me and my family " i said bummed out

" Im confused " rory said

" Alex! " My dad shouted from downstairs

" Its my dad, you need to leave " i said as rory walked over to the window

" Alex! " My dad shouted in the hallway

" Ill see you later " rory said kissing me and flying out the window as my dad came into my room

" What?! " I said annoyed

" Dinners ready " my dad said as he smelled my room

" It stinks in here " my dad said as we walked downstairs

Rorys pov

I spent the night at Ethan's house as we watched a movie in the living room, alex didnt want me telling anyone that we're dating cause ethan would get jealous and her parents would know about me and her

" Rory, whats up? " Ethan said

" Nothing " i said

" Its obviously about a girl " sarah said

" I gotta go " i said leaving Ethan's house

Sarah's pov

After rory left ethans house as ran after him and grabbed his arm before he ran off

" Rory, whats wrong? " I said

" Alex " rory said

" What about her? " I said confused

" She has this treasure box and it has pictures and a necklace and ring in it and a secret picture, its a girl in the picture and alex said shes related to her family and the girl looks like mikayla..." Rory said as my smile faded and i crossed my arms

" Okay " i said

" She said the girl left her and her family..." Rory said

" Hey, im sorry a girl related to alex left her and her not babysitting babysitting the morgans...." I said walking back inside

" Im dating alex " rory said as i stopped and turned to rory

" Your what? " I said

" Im dating alex " rory said as ethan came outside with benny

" Your dating alex?? " Ethan said as him and rory got in each other's faces

" Ethan, rory stop....dont let this be about mikayla again " i said

" Alex liked me and shes dating you? " Ethan asked rory

" She liked me, she wanted to date me, she asked her parents if she could date me....they dont want her dating boys " rory said

" Shes 17 " ethan said

" She didnt want me to tell anyone we're a couple " rory said

" I can see why " ethan said

" What?? " Rory said

" Cause your a vampire rory, she didnt want her family knowing shes dating a vampire " ethan said

" Shes embarrassed? " Rory said confused

" Yeah, she's embarrassed " ethan said

We walked back inside and rory ran to Alex's house

Alex's pov

Late at night their was a knock on our front door and when I opened it i let rory in my house and my parents came downstairs

" Rory, its late why are you here? " I asked him

" Cause i want your parents to know about us " rory said as i looked at my parents who were confused and pissed and i looked back at rory and clamped up

" What is he talking about alex?? " My mom asked me as she made coffee and my dad glared at rory

" Rory, can we talk about this later? " I asked rory

" Im her boyfriend " rory said as i face palmed myself

" Your her what?? " My dad asked rory

" Im her boyfriend " rory said

" Rory " i said sighing

" Alex isnt allowed to have a boyfriend " my mom said to rory

" Shes 17 " rory said

" Shes 17?? " My dad said laughing

" What? " Rory asked

" Honey, shes 16 " my mom said as rory looked at me

" Alex? " Rory asked me

" I was going to tell you and i wanted to tell you i had a boyfriend " i said as my parents shook their heads

" Im a vampire " rory said as my eyes widened as i grabbed rorys arm and took him into my living room

" Are you crazy!? You can't tell my parents im dating a vampire...they wont let me date you " i said as rory scoffed

" Ethans right, you are embarrassed of me " rory said

" Rory, i- " i said as rory cut me off

" I cant be your boyfriend alex, im sorry..." Rory said leaving my house as i covered my mouth and cried

" Mom, dad i- " i said as my mom cut me off

" Alex, you are grounded for two he really a vampire? " My mom asked me

" Yeah, kinda...i really like him " i said as my mom sighed

" Ill talk to your father..." My mom said as i fell asleep

The next morning i ate breakfast as my dad checked his phone

" You gonna meet your vampire boyfriend at school? " My dad said as i rolled my eyes

" Yeah " i said

" Vampire, we're not in dusk " my dad said giggling

" Later dad " i said leaving my house

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