part 18

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Mikaylas pov

During school the principal was holding auditions for a talent show and ethan and benny and rory were gonna sing a song, sarah and erica were gonna dance but I've been feeling nauseous and benny told me he loved me and i love him to but ethan and rory are his best friend's

" Hey " benny said as i kinda smirked at him

" Hi " i said

" Hey " sarah and ethan said

" Hi " i said to sarah and ethan

" Benny told me you wrote that song about me, cool but im dating sarah " ethan said lying through his teeth

" I wrote it for benny " i said embarrassed as benny smirked

" Benny? No, because you came over to Ethan's house last night and sang the song for ethan " sarah said to me

" I wrote it for benny and sang it to ethan " i said embarrassed

" You still like benny? " Ethan said hurt

" I've always liked benny ever since i met him " i said getting up and walking away

Ethan's pov

" I've always liked benny ever since i met him " mikayla said getting up and walking away

" I thought she broke up with you because you flirted with her best friend? " I asked benny

" She did, but sabrina moved and rory was always their for mikayla so i thought she fell in love with rory " benny said confused

" She doesn't love rory and she doesn't love you...okay, mikayla flirted with the three of you and now that your wrapped around her finger....she works for jesse and she can't be trusted " sarah said annoyed as i rolled my eyes

" Sarah, we didn't like Mikayla because we thought she worked for jesse and we thought she was a vampire and shes not...your the one who doesn't like her because she dated someone you like " i said getting up and heading home

Mikaylas pov

At home i got undressed and wrapped a towel around my body and went into the bathroom and grabbed my hairbrush and brushed my hair and then grabbed my tooth brush and brushed my teeth and used mouth wash as i got in the shower and put my towel on the door and began washing my hair not knowing the bathroom window my slowly opening, after i finished showering i grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body and dryed my hair as i seen the window open so i closed it and a hand covered my mouth and wrapped around my stomach

" Ssh " the voice said as it slowly tried lifting up my towel so i grabbed my curling iron and hit the dude in his head knocking him onto the floor as i put it down

" Rory?? Why are you in my house?! " I said weirded out

" Sorry, i got bored " rory said as i went into my room and got dressed

" Rory, I can't go out with you and i dont want to be a vampire i love someone else " i said as rory seemed bummed

" Who? " Rory asked me

" Im in love with benny " i said as rory hissed at me

" I kissed you, i told you i love you, i broke up with hannah for you, i broke up with evie for you and you love benny!! " Rory said as i was confused

" You broke up with evie for me, why??? " I said confused

" Because im in love with you " rory said grabbing my arms tightly as i began breathing heavily

" Rory " i said as he sat me down on the bed

" We made out and you said you liked me!! " Rory said with his fangs showing as he got on top of me as i began crying

" Rory! " I said crying as rory was angry and he grabbed my neck and began choking me

" I loved you, i loved you!!! " Rory screamed choking me tight as i began struggling for air as i grabbed his arms and began hitting them as i grabbed my rock that i painted and hit rory with it he fell to the floor and i got up and tripped over my books and rory got on top of my as i screamed but he covered my mouth and choked me tightly as i kept hitting his arms and struggling for air

" R-ror-ro " i struggled saying as i went unconscious

Rory's pov

" R-ror-ro " mikayla struggled saying as i kept choking her till she went unconscious but still choked her as my mouth dropped and my eyes widened

" Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!! " I said getting up and freaking out as i picked up mikayla and buried her in her backyard and ran to ethans house as him and benny were confused

" Dude " benny said to me

" Lets play video games " i said nervously

" Uh, okay bud " ethan said weirded out

Ethan's pov

A week later during school we hadn't seen or talked to mikayla in a week and rory was acting weird

" Hey, have you guys seen mikayla? " I asked as rory was fidgety

" No, no, no why? " Rory said weirdly

" Okay, rory have you seen Mikayla? " Sarah asked rory as rory sighed

" I went to her house last night and she told me she loved benny and not me, i choked her and she went unconscious and i buried her in her backyard " rory said as we shouted what at him

We ran to mikayla's backyard and dug her up and benny gave her mouth to mouth but it didn't work so we cried as sarah had a sad look on her face so she showed her fangs and grabbed mikayla's wrist and bit her but it didn't work so benny kissed her and we buried her and we just went home and played video games with rory, the next week at school rory and evie got back together and benny flirted with erica and i started dating sarah. Rory fell in love with evie that he bit her and she became a vampire and benny was still in love with mikayla

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