Part 43

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ethan's pov

at home i was walking to my bedroom as my mom was telling me dinner was ready and i shut my bedroom door and sarah called me and kept saying stuff about mikayla as i noticed a note on my desk and i hung up on sarah and picked the note up 


ethan i know me and you didn't get along all the time and your friend's didn't like me but i wanted to talk to you at the graveyard


after dinner i walked to the graveyard but sarah super speeded up to me and smiled 

" hey, its late where are you going? " sarah said to me as i awkwardly smiled

" for a walk..i'd really like to be alone " i said as sarah felt offended

" um okay " sarah said walking away as i walked to the graveyard 

it was freezing cold and dark and i sat down on the bench looking at the note and sarah started texting me asking me why i wanted to be alone but i deleted her text's and heard twigs snapping as i got up and took out my dagger and i heard footstep's coming closer to me as i slowly started stepping back 

" it's's me " the girl said as my eye's widened and i sighed and my jaw slightly dropped as i put my dagger away

" your back?? " i said confused

sarah's pov

i was really concerned about ethan he had been acting weird ever since mikayla disappeared..sometimes i felt like he liked her more than me..i tried to hang out with him but he completely cut me off for weeks and he stopped talking to benny and rory and me and erica and we were all confused, in school ethan seemed bummed out and when i tried to talk to him he cut me off and walked away from me

" have you guy's seen ethan? " i asked benny and rory who shook their head's

" Im really concerned about him i havent seen him in a week..." I said as benny nodded

" He's been acting really weird lately...ever since mikayla disappeared " benny said as i nodded

" You dont think...that ethan would pick mikayla over us do you? " I asked benny and rory

" No, Ethan's my best friend " benny said as i seen ethan walking alone in the hallway and i walked up to him with benny and rory

" Hey ethan, are you okay? " I asked him

" Y-yeah, i just want to be alone " ethan said as i felt confused

" Dude, you've been alone for a week...whats going on? " Benny asked ethan who rolled his eyes

" Nothing, i dont wanna talk about it " ethan said

" Ethan, we're your friends..." I said as ethan sighed

" I dont wanna talk about leave me alone okay " ethan said annoyed and kinda shouting as he walked away

" Something is really bothering him " i said as benny nodded and we walked to ethans house and went inside his room

Benny looked under Ethan's bed but found nothing and i looked around Ethan's drawers as rory looked in Ethan's closet and i opened a small box and looked threw it and found old pictures of mikayla and ethan and letters and an anonymous note from someone

" Guys, i found something " i said showing the note to benny and rory

" Its anonymous " benny said

" Yeah, but it said to meet at the graveyard and thats where ethan was going last there must be something there " i said as we ran to the graveyard and looked around as i found an old bracelet and Ethan's dagger

" Guys, i found Ethan's dagger and a bracelet " i said weirded out

" You dont think he's secretly dating someone do you? " Rory asked us

" Rory " i said giving him a look

" There something Ethan's not telling us " i said as benny and rory nodded

" Should we let him tell us or ask him? " Benny said confused

" Ask him " i said as we headed to Ethan's house but everyone went out to eat

Later at school i seen ethan and we walked up to him by his locker

" Hey ethan " i said smiling

" Guys, i wanna be alone " ethan said

" Okay, um...i got a anonymous letter from someone " i said holding up ethans letter as ethan acted like he didnt know what i was talking about

" Ok " ethan said

" Ethan " i said as he walked away

" Something is really bothering him " benny said as i nodded

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