part 28

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Alex's pov

During school their were posters on the walls for the school dance, i wanted rory to ask me since me and him have been talking alot and he seems to like me...benny asked della his crush and ethan is going with sarah...later during lunch i was nervous cause rory sat down and ate with me, benny, sarah and ethan

" Rory, what's up? " I asked him as he smiled

" Nothing, just hungry " rory said

" Oh " i said

" Rory who are you gonna ask to the dance? " Sarah said glancing at me

" I already asked someone " rory said lying through his teeth

" Who?? " I asked him

" My ex girlfriend mikayla " rory said

" What? " Me, benny, ethan and sarah asked him in unison

" Yeah, i asked her and we're going to the dance together " rory said getting up and walking away as he turned and looked at me cause i was bummed

" Mikayla " sarah said with sharp teeth showing

" Sarah " ethan said pointing to her teeth

" What's wrong with your teeth? " I asked sarah

" Nothing, nothing i gotta go " sarah said walking away with her lunch

" You guys are weird " i said getting up and walking away as ethan came with me

" Alex, i wanted to ask you something " ethan said as i smirked at him

" Yeah? " I said

" I know you still dont have a date for the school's dance....i wanted to know if you'd go with me? " Ethan asked me as we stopped in the hallway and i smiled nervously

" What about sarah? " I asked ethan

" Shes not my girlfriend and we're not going to the dance together " ethan said nervously

" Oh okay, cool....yeah ill go to the dance with you " i said as i smiled and ethan smiled

" Cool, ill pick you up later tonight? " Ethan asked me as i nodded and walked away smiling

Late at night i was getting ready for the school's dance, my mom was helping me pick out some cute outfits and i chose a beautiful one with lace, i sat in the living room watching tv and looking at my phone and sighing cause it was getting late

" Honey, where's your date? " My mom asked me as i shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my phone and texted ethan

Three hours later i sighed and went upstairs and sent ethan multiple messages and he ignored my texts as i fell asleep, in the morning i seen ethan talking to sarah and when he seen me he looked nervous and walked away. During class i took out a piece of paper and wrote something down on it then handed it to ethan as he read it and looked at me and threw it in the trash

During lunch ethan came up to me and i didnt want to talk to him

" Alex let me explain, please " ethan said as i scoffed

" Explain how you ditched me, ethan " i said annoyed

" Im sorry, i got grounded and sarah had to babysit me again " ethan said as i got confused

" You still have a babysitter in high school? " I asked him

" As embarrassing as it is, yes i do.... she's really Jane's babysitter " ethan said as i smiled alittle

" You wanna date your babysitter? Whatever ethan " i said walking away hurt

Ethan's pov

Late at night alex was ignoring my texts cause i ditched her for the school dance...i was grounded and sarah was with me and jane, now me and rory both have a crush on alex and its gonna be a mikayla thing again

" Shes mine " rory said as i smiled at him annoyingly

" Shes mine " i said as rory hissed at me

" Rory, alex doesnt even like me like that... she's into you " i said as rory got confused

" Alex likes me? I was talking about mikayla " rory said confused

" Dude, i know you like alex.... she's the girl you wanted to go out to the dance with...." I said as rory got weirded out

" What?? Ew, no " rory said smiling and giggling nervously

" Dude, alex is cool..." I said as rory blushed

" Not cool enough to be my girlfriend cause all she talks about is you " rory said as he ran off

" Alex still mad you ditched her for me? " Sarah asked me as i walked into the house

" Yeah, im sorry I can't tell her your a vampire and that we're not normal " i said bummed out

" Hey, it's Jesse's fault....he showed up to the dance " sarah said as i nodded

" I know, alex is super just a regular geek " i said bummed out

" Hey, she thinks you're cool " sarah said as i smiled

" Maybe, i really like her and rory likes her " i said sighing

" Its cool, i gotta go...ill text alex " sarah said leaving my house as i watched tv and benny slept over

In the morning me and benny ate breakfast as sarah texted me that alex was still mad at me, during class me and got partnered up for a science project and we walked home together, we were building a robot and my hand touched Alex's making me blush and smile and she smirked at me. Alex is really really sweet and im glad we're friends

" How many siblings do you have? " I asked alex

" I have a brother " alex said

" Oh, does he go to our school? " I asked her

" Um he's in college " alex said as i smirked

" Oh, cool " i said as i got more nervous

" What? " Alex asked me

" Nothing, your really pretty and your a great friend...not like you have a boyfriend? " I asked alex as she got confused

" Why? " Alex asked me as she smiled

" I like " i said as she smiled sweetly

" I like you to " alex said as i smiled

" Cool " i said

" Yeah, your an amazing best friend...i gotta go ill text you later " alex said leaving my house and leaving her jacket on my couch as i looked in the pockets and found her phone and got confused cause my picture was her screen save for her lockscreen and rorys picture was of her and him as her wallpaper

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