part 32

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Alex's pov

During school i had a headache and my gums hurt and i had a strong craving for human blood that made my stomach hurt, rory walked up to me with a cup full of human blood

" Here drink this " rory said as he handed me the cup and i was nervous to drink the blood

" I dont know, im not sure i want to be a vampire anymore " i said as rory scoffed and smirked

" Well its to late to turn back now....i already bit you...." Rory said as i sighed

" I know, i didnt know turning into a vampire..." I said as rory cut me off

" Yeah, i know...." Rory said as i walked away and he sighed

I walked up to sarah and pulled her into the bathroom

" Sarah, im an idiot...i let rory bite me and turn me..." I said as Sarah's eyes widened

" Your a vampire now? " Sarah asked me as i shook my head

" I didnt drink human blood...rory wants me to cause he wants us to be together " i said sighing

" You know ethan is looking for a cure for me...maybe he can look for you to " sarah said as i smirked

" Really? Theres a cure for vampires? " I said as sarah nodded

" Cool " i said sweetly

Later during class mr. G gave me and rory and mikayla and ethan and benny detention for talking during his class

" Great, im in this classroom with ms.keaner and mr.keaner and his geeky friends " mikayla said as i rolled my eyes

" Yeah, and im in this classroom with a witch " benny said

" Honey, i know you like me " mikayla said to benny as i scoffed

" Rory, i didnt know you and alex were dating..." Mikayla said caressing his arm as i hissed at her

" Oooh, you turned alex into a vampire..." Mikayla said as rory moved away from her

" Rory " ethan said

" Are you a vampire? " Mikayla asked me as my eyes turned yellow

" Im a fledgling..." I said as Mikayla smirked

" Like sarah " mikayla said as i grabbed Rory's cup filled with human blood and drinked it as rory smile

" Hes my boyfriend, he dumped you " i said

" He still likes me " mikayla said glaring at me as i glared at her

I walked to the bathroom and sarah walked up to me and smiled

" Mikayla is stealing your boyfriend " sarah said giggling as i looked at myself in the mirror and my reflection wasnt their like it was but it was wonky and my eyes were yellow

" Alex? Are you jealous? " Sarah asked me

" I dont know, look at a vampire and Rory's a geek who's a vampire..mikayla is normal and shes everything rory likes in a girl...." I said bummed out

" You know mikayla is just jealous cause your pretty and rory likes you " sarah said

" Mikayla's right " i said as sarah got confused

" What? " Sarah said

" She came into the bathroom and told me rory liked her and hooked up with her and wanted to turn her...mikayla was right, i hooked up with rory and dated him and now im a vampire and i dont know if he still likes me " i said as sarah shook her head

Sarah walked out of the bathroom and walked up to mikayla who smiled at her

" Rory is Alex's boyfriend...why can't you date benny or ethan? " Sarah asked as i walked up to her

" Sarah " i said

" What's up? " Rory asked me

" Rory is coming over to my house later me study " mikayla said looking at me as my smile faded

" Alex, im sorry " rory said

" Whatever, enjoy your new girlfriend " i said walking away as rory got weirded out

" Ew, alex " rory said

Rory's pov

Late at night i was bored cause i was helping mikayla study for her history test, i sighed as she sat on the bed and closed our books as i slightly moved away from her

" Why dont we have some fun " mikayla said slowly unbuttoning my shirt

" Mikayla, Mikayla i have a girlfriend " i said as she started kissing my neck as i moaned

" Alex? " Mikayla said trailing her tounge up my neck and kissing my cheek as she got on top of me and we made out

" Mikayla " i said as i moaned

" You do still like me " mikayla said as we kissed and i passed out

Alex's pov

Late at night i was on my phone and rory texted me as i started crying into my pillow, sarah and erica came over and spent the night

" Rory cheated on you with Mikayla? " Erica asked me confused

" Mikayla texted me through Rory's phone and sent a picture of her and rory kissing " i said with tears in my eyes

" Alex " sarah said comforting me

" I knew he liked her...i loved him " i said crying as Erica shook her head

" I love you " rory said standing in front of my window

" Rory " i said annoyed as my friends left my house as rory seen the tears in my eyes

" Alex, im really sorry " rory said

" I am to....cause im breaking up with you " i said as rorys smile faded

" Alex " rory said

" Ill see you later " i said as rory flew out through my window

The next morning at school ethan walked up to me and comforted me as rory seen us together and he stared at me

"Your a great friend ethan " i said

" Friend? " Ethan said

" Yeah, ethan...i gotta go " i said smiling

During lunch rory sat next to me and i rolled my eyes

" Rory, we're just friends...." I said as rory rolled his eyes

" Baby, she kissed me " rory said

" You kissed her back " i said

" Guys, what's up " benny asked me and rory as me and rory hissed at benny

" I like you, alex " rory said holding my hand

" You kissed Mikayla " i said

" Baby " rory said

" Mikayla is your baby, i seen her at the vending machines....ill see you later " i said walking away as rory sighed

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