part 20

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Bennys pov

During lunch rory was fidgety and acting weird around evie and emily and evie talked then evie came over and sat with us

" Mikayla was pregnant" evie said as mine and rorys eyes widened

" She was? " Rory asked her

" Yeah, mikayla and ethan hooked up and she got pregnant" evie said as me and rory scoffed and shook our heads

" No they didn't, ethan said he didnt hook up with her " i said as evie shook her head

" Mikayla told me they did and that she's pregnant" evie said with a smile as me and rory got confused

" What? You seen mikayla? " I asked her

" Yeah, she was in my third period class..." Evie said as rory was confused

" Where is she? " I asked evie

" She's in the bathroom " evie said as me and rory got up and ran to the bathroom and seen mikayla walking out

" Mikayla? " I said as mikayla turned to us and smiled

" Benny, hey " mikayla said as she seen rory and her smile faded

" Hey, mikayla " rory said awkwardly

" Rory " mikayla said

" Your back? " I said as mikayla smiled

" Yeah, i am and im a vampire thanks to sarah biting my wrist " mikayla said

" You look beautiful " i said as mikayla rolled her eyes

" Whatever " mikayla said walking away

Ethan's pov

At home benny and rory told me mikayla's back and she's a vampire now, she didn't like us at all and didn't want to hang out with us at all

" She won't hang out with us? " I said as i texted mikayla

" Your with Sarah she's not gonna hang out with us " benny said

" Mikayla likes you so why don't you hang out with her " rory said to benny as benny looked at us

" Cause im still in love with her and it'll be awkward " benny said as mikayla texted him

" Just because your still in love with her doesn't mean you cant hang out " i said as benny looked at me

" I dont know " benny said as he got another text from mikayla

" Dude, go hang out with her " rory said as benny smiled at rory

" Okay " benny said leaving the house

Mikayla's pov

Benny came over after i texted him and evie and emily were spending the night as he came up to my room but i had evie and emily go downstairs for awhile

" Hey, you wanted to hang out? " Benny said to me

" No, i wanted to make out " i said getting on top of benny and kissing his lips passionately as he pushed me off of him

" You smell like dirt and your lips taste like you haven't brushed " benny said disgusted

" I was buried in my backyard by that idiot rory keaner " i said annoyed

" Okay, that idiot is our best friend and he only did it because you didnt love him " benny said to me

" So he choked me? " I said hurt

" Its stupid but he loved you and so did i or i still do..." Benny said so i cut him off

" I love you and i want you " i said getting on top of benny as we began making out and benny slipped his tounge in my mouth as i moaned and we laid in bed as he took off his shirt and pants and i took off my shirt and shorts and we made out and he stopped kissing me

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