part 25

22 2 1

Ethan's pov

Late at night i was dancing in my room when i seen mikayla, she had on skinny blue jeans with heels and a crop top that showed her bra alittle and a black leather jacket and her hair was perfectly straight and curled, she slowly walked up to me as i grabbed my phone to text sarah and mikayla smiled at me

" What? Sarah bit me " Mikayla said

" Mikayla i know your a cool girl and i like you " i said as Mikayla smiled as she grabbed a treasure box with a small blue bottle

" That's the cure for vampires, Sarah wants to be human " i said as mikayla smiled

" She wants to be human and she bit me? " Mikayla said annoyed

" She bit you cause rory choked you and buried you " i said

" Cause he didn't love me, you love me and your with sarah " mikayla said grabbing my crotch as i moaned

" Cause sarah was my first love...i love you cause you were my friend " i said as Mikayla scoffed

" You didnt like me cause I wasn't a nerd...." Mikayla said licking my neck and my face slowly

" Mikayla " i said as she smiled and drinked the cure as she fainted and slowly got up

" Ethan?? " Mikayla said as i smiled

" Mikayla " i said sweetly

" Why am i in your room?? " Mikayla said confused

Me and mikayla sat down on my bed and talked

" I remember taking a shower and rory in my room " Mikayla said as she sighed

" Rory " mikayla said

" He's still a vampire and lucas and evie and emily " i said as she got confused

" Who?? " Mikayla said

" Your friends lucas, evie and emily " i said getting confused

" Their not my friends " mikayla said

" What?? " I said

" Lucas isnt my friend or evie or emily, their Jesse's friends " mikayla said as i texted sarah

" Rory choked you and buried you " i said as Mikayla seemed hurt

" He didn't love me " mikayla said

" I love you " i said holding her hand

" I know, i like you " Mikayla said smiling

" I like you " i said sweetly

" Sarah? " Mikayla said

" We're not dating " i said as Mikayla smiled

Me and mikayla hugged and she went home and the next morning Sarah's jaw dropped when she seen mikayla

" Mikayla? " Sarah said

" I gotta go to class " mikayla said kissing my cheek

" You loved benny " sarah said

" He like me " mikayla said walking away

" Ethan shes messing with your head " sarah said

" Shes not a vampire she drank the cure, jesse brought her back cause he's messing with her head " i said as sarah was confused

" What?? " Sarah said

" Jesse is messing with her head, she doesn't remember lucas or evie or emily....she doesn't even remember rory choking her and burying her...cause of jesse " i said as sarah sighed

" You love her? " Sarah asked me as i nodded my head

" I love her " i said

Benny and rory laughed as they walked up to me and sarah and talked about star wars

" Benny and me saw star wars movie last night " rory said smiling at benny

" Yeah, what's up " benny said

" Mikayla " me and sarah said in unison

" Huh?? " Rory and benny said in unison

Rory's pov

At my locker i was putting my books away as mikayla slowly walked up to me and shut my locker door

" Hey rory " mikayla said sweetly

" Hey mikayla, im sorry " i said but mikayla cut me off

" Huh? " Mikayla said confused

" Nothing, you and ethan huh? " I said as she smiled

" Yeah, he loves me " mikayla said sweetly

" I love you " i said confused

" What? " Mikayla said

" Nothing " i said as Mikayla walked away smiling

I punched my locker door and walked away and sat with ethan and benny as mikayla sat down next to ethan and smiled as me and benny glanced at each other

" Hey " Mikayla said

" Hi " i said

" Ethan your hair is so cute " mikayla said while glancing at me and back at ethan

I got up and walked out as i went into the bathroom and mikayla followed me as i got confused

" Mikayla? Why " i said but Mikayla cut me off

" Lucas was a real good friend huh? Him and evie are close now, emily needs a boyfriend though " mikayla said as i awkwardly smiled

" Mikayla, im " i said but mikayla cut me off

" Ill see you later " mikayla said leaving the bathroom as i sighed and sat down

Ethan's pov

I hung out at home with my new girlfriend mikayla its weird cause mikayla liked rory and now she likes me, rory and lucas stopped hanging out and rory is still a weirdo

" You want snacks? " Mikayla asked me as i nodded

Mikayla went to get some drinks and snacks and she got my pants wet so i took my pants off and she smiled as i Had a boner so i nervously smiled cause jane was in her room

" Jane " i said nervously

" Shes in her room, i know you like me " mikayla said sucking me off as i moaned and Mikayla sucked me off harder as i moaned louder

" Fuck mikayla " i moaned as she got on top of me and i moaned and she moaned

" Mikayla, fuck " i moaned as we came and we got dressed and rory came in

" Hey bud " i said as benny came in

" Hey benny " mikayla said as benny rolled his eyes cause rory walked up to her

" Mikayla " rory said

" Rory " mikayla said

" Witch " benny said

" I gotta go home " mikayla said grabbing her jacket and leaving my house as i smiled

" Mikayla likes you? " Benny said annoyed

" Yeah, i like her to " i said smiling

" Im " rory said but benny cut him off

" She's a witch " benny said as i rolled my eyes

" I like her " i said

" You like sarah " benny said

" Sarah's my babysitter, janes babysitter " i said as rory shook his head

" Sarahs a vampire " benny said

" I like mikayla and i like sarah " i said annoyed

" Mikayla has a bad home life and her dad is " i said but benny cut me off

" I know " benny said

" What? " I said

" I know " benny said walking away

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