part 45

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Sarah's pov

It had been a week since ethan disappeared and benny and me stayed  at Ethan's and erica and rory were confused

" Okay, ethan wanted to be alone that doesn't mean he disappeared " erica said as me and benny sighed

" Disappeared where? " Rory asked confused

" There's this limbo for souls that fledglings go to " sarah said as benny nodded as there was a knock on the door and mikayla walked in as i hissed at her and she kinda smiled

" What? " I asked her

" I wanted to talk " mikayla said

" Where's ethan? " Benny asked mikayla

" He's okay, he's in a limbo for souls " mikayla said as i scoffed at her

" You put my best friend in a limbo for souls? " I asked mikayla

" No, hes not trapped their... he's staying their because he's trying to figure out how to become human again " mikayla said as i was confused

" What? " I asked her

" I wanted to talk to ethan at the graveyard but he tried to fight me with his dagger and my fangs accidentally scratched his wrist making him a fledgling....i said he could go to a limbo for souls to become human again " mikayla said

" okay? " I said

" I wanted to talk about getting back together....but he rejected me because of everything " mikayla said

" Ethan " i said sighing

" Im sorry " mikayla said

" Sorry? " Benny asked

" For messing with your heads and lying to you " mikayla said

" Its okay " i said

During school me and benny were talking and their was a sorta mirror like hallway and i seen ethan standing in the middle of the hallway with his hands in his pockets all bummed out and me and benny walked over to him

" Ethan? " I asked but he couldn't hear us and he slowly turned away and disappeared into thin air

" Ethan " benny said

We walked to Ethan's house and sighed and on the coffee table Benny's name was carved into the table

" Benny, do you have something at home to communicate with ethan?? " I asked benny who ran to his house and back as he put a magic journal on the table and opened it

" Okay, ethan if you can hear us...please let me know your okay? " I said as words slowly showed up on the journal

" Hi " ethan wrote on the journal

" Hi? " I said

" Ethan " benny said as benny touched the journal he had a vision and he saw ethan and walked over to him and tried to talk to him but ethan turned to him and hissed at him as benny stopped having the vision

" Benny? " I asked him

" He's okay, but he wants to be alone..." Benny said as i sighed

" Okay, but what about his parents and school...he needs to come home " i said as benny shook his head

" I dont know, he hissed at me " benny said as i gave him a confused look

" Hissed at you? He's got fangs now? The venom in his veins are getting stronger..." I said thinking about ethan

" What? " Benny asked me

" The longer ethan stays in the limbo...he won't be able to come back home.. he'll lose his mortal body..." I said as benny sighed 

" But jesse came back " benny said

" Only for awhile...but Ethan's a fledgling and still has his mortal body..." I said and benny got annoyed

" I dont know sarah, he seemed like he really didnt want to come back " benny said to me as i scoffed

" Benny, ethan is communicating with us because he wants us to help him " i said smiling

" Ethan " benny said watching ethan walk into the kitchen and disappear into thin air

" Come on...lets go see your grandmother " i said as we went to his grandmothers house

" Hey sarah " his grandmother said

" Hey, i wanted to talk to you " i said to her as she put her garden sheers down and smiled

" I know, come on " his grandmother said as she made us a cup of teeth

" Ethan, got this note from mikayla and she bit him and now he's in a limbo for souls " i said as his grandma's eyes widened

" What? He needs to come back before he loses his mortal body..." His grandmother said

" I know but i had a vision where he hissed at me and i dont think he wants to come back " benny said as his grandmother sighed

" He hissed at you because he's a fledgling and its in his nature...have you seen him? " His grandmother asked us

" At school he was standing in a mirror like hallway and walked away " i said as his grandmother smiled

" You need to talk to him understand that your his friends and you care about him " his grandmother said

" I dont know...he seems like all he cares about is mikayla " i said as she gave me a look

" Mikayla is his first love...hes connected to her " his grandmother said

During school i seen ethan in a mirror like hallway again and sighed and walked up to him

" Hey " i said smiling as he smiled back

" Can you hear me? " I asked him as he nodded

" I know you dont want to come back but you have to come home...your parents, your friends... you'll lose your mortal body " i said as ethan smiled and took his finger and wrote something on the mirror

" I know " ethan wrote on the mirror as i scoffed

" You know? What are you talking about? " I asked him as he wrote something on the mirror

" Mikayla is helping me, i have to stay " ethan wrote on the mirror

" Ethan no...if you lose your mortal body you cant come home " i said as he smiled and wrote something on the mirror

" I gotta go " ethan wrote on the mirror and turned and disappeared as i scoffed

I went to Ethan's house and sat on the couch and benny sat down next to me

" Hes staying " i said as benny gave me a confused look

" What?? " Benny asked me

" He said mikaylas helping him and he has to stay " i said as benny was confused

" He cant " benny said as i sighed

" I know..." I said bummed out

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