part 38

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Alex's pov

During school a girl with a skateboard and baggy pants and a long sleeve shirt that she turned into a crop top with sleeves and black hair with pink highlights and a nose ring came into the school as everyone including my friends looked at her

" Doesn't this school have a dress code?? " Erica asked me as i nodded

" Yeah, what's up with the single tear t shirt? " I asked erica as she sighed

" Oh im going home to change it soon because rory happens to love the same concert amd happens to have the same shirt " erica said as i smiled

" I know, he talks about single tear all the time...and even kinda sings their songs " i said as i blushed and erica looked at me with a weird smile

" You still like him even after he asked for a break don't you?? " Erica asked me as i scoffed

" What?? No, pssh me and rory are never getting back together " i said hiding my blush as rory and the girl bumped into each other and smiled

" Well looks like Rory's found himself a new girlfriend after your guys break up " erica said as i felt alittle jealous and erica seen how worried i was

" Its cool, its not like he's still my boyfriend " i said as rory and the girl talked and rory looked over at me and kinda smiled and i kinda smiled back and looked at erica

" That was a friendly smile... he's over you...." Erica said as i rolled my eyes and rory and the girl walked away together

" Yeah, i guess " i mumbled to myself

Later during study hall rory and his friend sat down in front of me and ethan and benny and the necklace rory gave me that glows when your in love slowly faded but kept trying to glow

" Hey guys, this is Emma " rory said as i smiled and ethan and benny introduced theirselves

" Sup, i like your shirt...are you a single tear fan to? " Emma said as i shook my head

" Not really " i said

" Nice tattoo " benny said as emma pulled up her sleeves

" Yeah, i did them myself... that's a dolphin, this is a star and this is a heart with an arrow " emma said as i got uncomfortable

" Your mom must be pretty mad at you " ethan said as emma smiled

" Yeah, i used a clean needle some alcohol and black hurt but there cool " emma said as i drew a picture of a vampire boy in my notebook

" Ooooh what are you drawing? " Emma said as i quickly shut my notebook and got up and walked away

" Did i say something? " Emma asked confused

" Um, actually she's my ex girlfriend.... she's probably just jealous " rory said as i kinda stopped when i heard that and then kept walking

Later at Ethan's house i was secretly drawing a picture of me and rory breaking up when rory and emma came inside so i hid as they were talking

" Wow, whitechapel is so awesome...your friends are chill " emma said as rory smiled

I watched as emma rested her hand on Rory's shoulder and smiled sympathetically at him as he smiled back and i felt my heart kinda racing as i noticed rory putting his arm around Emma's waist as she kissed his cheek lightly and i turned away and a small tear fell from my cheek as it dropped onto my notebook paper and soaked the pages, i went downstairs and rory smiled when he seen me and i just rolled my eyes and walked away and didnt say a word to him

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