part 24

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Rory's pov

Late at night after hanging out with lucas he left my house and i went on my computer and seen a picture of lucas without his shirt on he had abs six pack abs and my jaw dropped, i shook my head and lucas came up behind me so i got up and lucas smiled at me

" You like what you see? " Lucas said as i blushed alittle

" I-i-uh " i said but i couldn't get a word out as lucas giggled

" Rory its cool, its a picture " lucas said as he took his shirt off slowly as my jaw dropped at his six pack abs and lucas smiled at me as he took his pants off slowly as i noticed his boner so i turned around and took a couple breaths

" Rory? " Lucas said as he got dressed

" Im cool, gotta go " i said walking into a wall and laughing nervously and shaking it off as i left my house

I ran to Ethan's house and ethan comforted me as we sat down

" Whats wrong with me?? " I said as ethan and benny giggled

" Rory, you have a crush on lucas " ethan said as i got confused

" What?? " I said

" Its cool, lucas is have a crush on lucas " benny said as i got weirded out

" I like girls " i said

" Okay " ethan said smiling

" Whatever " benny said

Later during movies lucas was sitting on the floor and ethan and benny fell asleep and sarah was on the phone as lucas glanced up at me and i got nervous as he got up and sat next to me and smiled as i slowly looked at him and kinda smirked as he got closer to me and put his arm around me as we slowly leaned in and kissed and we pulled away slowly and i smiled and lucas smirked

Ethan's pov

I noticed lucas sat with rory so i fell back to sleep as benny woke up and seen lucas and rory being weird so he got disgusted and walked away so i got up and walked with him

" Benny, you know lucas and rory like each other " i said as benny clamped up

" What is wrong with you?? " I asked benny as i just sighed

" Benny? A-are you jealous? " I asked benny as he glanced at me and looked away as he leaned against the counter

" You like lucas " i said as he shook his head lightly and my smile faded

" You like rory? " I said as he slightly nodded and i was confused

" You loved mikayla " i said

" To make rory jealous " benny said as he walked away

We layed back down and rory glanced at benny who glanced at him so they both looked away and i rolled my eyes and fell asleep. The next morning during school benny and rory were talking and i was watching them and lucas walked up to them and benny walked away as i got confused

" What? " I asked benny

" Lucas, i think he works with jesse " benny said in a jealous tone

" Rory likes him " i said as i noticed rory staring at benny

" Rory's staring at you " i said whispering to benny

Benny checked out some girl and then looked at rory who looked away as benny looked back at me and i got weirded out

" Sarah " i said as sarah walked up to us and hugged me

" Hey, rory and lucas seem like real good friends " sarah said

" Lucas is a witch " benny said rolling his eyes and walking away

" Yeah, whatever " i said walking away

Later during class rory and benny sat next to each other and benny and rory were staring at each other as i rolled my eye's, mikayla starting whispering in my ear and i ignored it as my cup fell off the desk by itself. I walked out of class and rory and benny walked with me as i sat down and seen mikayla leaning against the lockers and smiling at me as she faded away, i ran home and mikayla stood in the doorway as benny and rorys eyes widened and their jaws dropped

" Mikayla?? " I said as mikayla was confused

" Who? " Mikayla asked

" Nothing " i said as mikayla walked away and left my house

" Baby? " Rory said to mikayla as mikayla turned to rory and smiled and walked away

" Baby? Really? " Benny said to rory

" What? " Rory said

" Shes a witch " benny said as rory awkwardly smiled at benny as he walked away and i got confused and shook my head

" Hey lucas " i said as lucas walked up to us and rory rolled his eyes

" Hey rory " lucas said as benny rolled his eyes and walked away

" Lucas did you see mikayla? " I asked him as he shook his head

" Shes messing with your heads " lucas said as benny smiled

" Shes a witch " benny said

" Yeah, rory im into someone else..." Lucas said to rory as he got up

" What? " Rory said

" Yeah, ill see you " lucas said walking away as rory smiled

" You liked him? " Benny asked rory

" Yeah, he was my friend " rory said smiling at benny who smirked at rory and it got awkward as i walked away

I watched a movie and noticed benny and rory staring at each other and giggling so i shook my head and my face got red from jealousy as i went upstairs

Benny's pov

Ethan went upstairs and rory got confused as i stared at him and he smirked at me and i walked upstairs as ethan was texting sarah, i walked back downstairs and bumped into rory as i held his shoulders and it got awkward. I fell asleep on the couch and rory kinda fell asleep onto my shoulder and ethan came downstairs and noticed and fell asleep upstairs as i woke up and rory was asleep so i fell back asleep and woke up and rory grabbed a bite to eat

" Hey " i said to ethan

" Hi " ethan said

I made breakfast and then walked to school as rory walked with me and ethan and rory smiled at me

" Lucas stopped hanging out with me " rory said

" Hes a witch " benny said

" Ill see ya later " rory said super speeding off hurt

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