part 21

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Lucas's pov

Its been three weeks since me and rory became best friends and closer and ethan and benny let me play video games with them more often, during school me and rory walled through the halls together when i stopped and he got confused

" What? " Rory asked me

" Why are we friends? " I asked rory

" Because we're cool and vampires " rory said to me as i smiled at him

" Do you wanna hang out with me today at the park? " I asked rory who smiled slowly and i got closer to him as his smile got more nervous

" We can be best friends forever " i asked rory as he got more nervous as i grabbed his shirt and pulled him more closer to me as ethan and benny watched with confusion

" You smell like a horse stable " rory said smiling nervously

" Your cute " i said as rory smiled and blushed

" Lucas " rory said as i kissed him on his lips and rory kissed back and after i walked away rory walked away smiling and he went up to his friend

Rory's pov

I walked up to my friends after lucas kissed me and they were smiling and blushing as i was smiling

" Hey bud, your new friend seems to really like you " ethan said as my smile faded

" Guys i " i said as they giggled

" Rory, its cool.... we're happy for you " ethan said as benny nodded

" I dont like lucas...he likes into mikayla..." I said nervously

" But you kissed lucas " ethan said

" I know but i love mikayla " i said as ethan and benny smiled

" Its cool " benny said

Later during video games with ethan and benny lucas came over and we talked in the living room alone together as ethan and benny watched

" Why did your parents name you lucas? " I asked him

" Because they loved the name " lucas said to me

" I love the name lucas " i said as lucas smiled at me and his hand moved closer to mine

" I love the name rory " lucas said as my hand slowly and nervously moved closer to his

" Rory, i really like you " lucas said as he slowly grabbed my hand

" I like you to " i said as i grabbed his hand and we held hands

" I know you love mikayla " lucas said but i cut him off by kissing him on his lips

" Rory kissed lucas " benny said covering his mouth

" I thought rory was into mikayla " ethan said

" There's something supernatural about this " benny said

Later i went to the diner and seen mikayla sitting alone and i sat with her as she rolled her eyes when she seen me

" I know about you and lucas " mikayla said

" I dont care, lucas is the bestest friend ever and he told me you weren't in love with me...lucas likes me and i like him " i said to mikayla as she slowly got up and walked away hurt

Mikayla's pov

Later at home i went into my room and ripped all the pictures of me and rory off my walls and took them out of my photo album and grabbed everything he bought me and took it outside and threw it in the trash and cried myself to sleep after i woke up i went over to Ethan's house and sat on the couch with sarah as i started crying in front of her and she put her blanket over me and comforted me as ethan and benny saw when rory and lucas came inside holding hands as rory and lucas slowly walked up to me

" Mikayla, im sorry " lucas said as sarah hissed at him

" Go find a rat to eat " sarah said rudely to lucas

Rory and lucas left the house and sarah took me upstairs and comforted me in ethans guest room, i slept in and woke up and rory was sitting in the living room so i rolled my eyes as i sat down and talked to him

" I love you " rory said to me

" Not if your with lucas " i said

" I love you " rory said

" No you dont " i said

" Mikayla, i like lucas as a friend and i love you as a girlfriend...." Rory said as i rolled my eyes

" I love you to and i love you as a boyfriend " i said as a tear fell down my face

" Lucas said you dont " rory said

" Lucas is an idiot " i said

" He's goofy " rory said

" You like goofy " i said smiling

" Yeah, i like goofy " rory said as i smiled

" I like ethan " i said as rory smirked

" I love you, mikayla " rory said as i smiled and hugged rory as i went upstairs and seen ethan who was confused as i hugged and kissed ethan as he kissed me back and hugged benny as they hugged me back

Ethan's pov

Rory and lucas became best friend's forever and i broke up with sarah and started dating mikayla, i liked mikayla alot but she was in love with rory and i had the hots for her, me and mikayla began making out as benny just stood their and got disgusted

" Your really making out with that witch? " Benny said

" Aw, benny " mikayla said slowly unbuttoning her shirt as benny began kissing her stomach slowly and slipped his tounge into her mouth as she began kissing me and i seen her take something out of her pocket and put it in bennys mouth and mine as we both went unconscious

Mikayla's pov

Benny and ethan went unconscious and sarah came into the room and seen them unconscious so she grabbed Ethan's hockey stick and broke it as we started fighting and she stabbed me as i disappeared

Sarah's pov

Mikayla disappeared as i stabbed her with ethans hockey stick and ethan and benny stood up and shook their heads

" Mikayla's " i said slowly

" Cool " ethan said

" Rory and lucas seemed really friendly " benny said

" Yeah, they make great friends " i said as ethan and benny glanced at each other then smiled at me

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