part 42

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Ethan's pov

After i kissed alex i pulled away and benny and Jesse's jaws were kinda dropped and staring at us as alex smiled at me then head butt me as i fell back onto the floor and she turned to benny and he casted a spell on her as she fell back on the floor in pain as i looked at her

" Ethan?? " Alex said to me as she looked at benny and kinda smiled at him when he sighed and smirked but jesse grabbed his arm and threw him over next to us

" Hey jesse " sarah said with fangs and her eyes glowing yellow as alex stood up and scoffed

" Sarah, me and alex had an awesome conversation about you " jesse said smiling at sarah

" You bit her!? " Sarah asked jesse as she looked at me then jesse when she seen my arm as i looked confused and benny looked at my arm, i looked down at my arm and i seen Jesse's bite marks on my wrist as my eyes widened and i screamed and sarah grabbed my wrist as jesse laughed

" Sarah, your a vampire " jesse said as ethan and benny and sarah ran me to Benny's house as we sat down in front of his grandmother who grabbed my wrist and sighed and she looked in her cabinets and grabbed a first aid kit as sarah was confused

" This is a vampire bite " sarah said as Benny's grandma opened a small bottle and slowly rubbed the liquid onto Alex's wrist and rubbed a ointment on the bite mark as she smiled

" She won't turn into a vampire...he didn't bite her " Benny's grandma said putting her first aid kit away

" What?? He bit her " sarah said confused

" Yeah, but she won't turn " bennys grandma said as we all got confused

" What? " Benny said

" Alex was trapped in a fantasy world that made her believe you boys were in love with her and that rory was her boyfriend...." Benny's grandma said as i got up and walked outside as benny walked up to the door and stepped out on the patio and sat down next to me

" You know im your best friend right? " Benny said as i nodded and smiled at him

" Yeah, rory was to...but he loves that skater chick " i said as benny clamped up

" Alex, rory is an idiot...he likes every girl he sees...he also loves erica and i know you love him but " benny said as we looked at each other

" Benny, you and ethan are my best friends...and sarah " i said as benny smiled at me and my heart began pounding and i got butterflies in my stomach

I know benny was just helping me understand that rory didnt love me but when i looked into Benny's eyes my heart began pounding and i got butterflies in my stomach and benny was saying something but I couldn't hear him because i leaned in and embarrassed myself by kissing him on the lips passionately

Ethan's pov

I walked around Benny's grandma's house to see benny and alex sitting out on the patio, benny was talking to alex about rory and i began smiling but my smile faded when alex leaned in and kissed benny, i guess she was embarrassed because benny stood up and alex stood up and had tears building up in her eyes and benny didnt know what to say

" Benny, im sorry..." Alex said embarrassed

" Alex, ill see you later " benny said as alex scoffed

" Benny " alex said

" See you later alex " benny said as alex walked away and benny came inside

" Dude, im sorry...she kissed me " benny said as i nodded

" I know, its cool " i said

" She likes you ethan " benny said as i scoffed

" She kissed me because i broke Jesse's spell...but she likes you " benny said as i clamped up

" Benny, your grandma said she was trapped in a fantasy world...she believes Rory's her boyfriend and that you like her " i said

" Shes my best friend! I liked mikayla and she messed with our minds..." Benny said as sarah came into the room

" I know you guys are dorks but your grandma needs to talk to you " sarah said as we both got confused

We went into the living room and Benny's grandma talked to benny about alex, i walked home and seen alex on her stairs so i walked up to her and she smiled at me

" Hey, im sorry about kissing benny..." Alex said sweetly as i smiled

" Its cool, i know you kinda like benny " i said as alex got confused

" What?? I dont have a crush on benny... he's my friend " alex said as i got confused

" Really? " I asked her

" I dont know, Benny's my friend and i kissed him but he doesn't like me " alex said as i stopped smiling

" Cool " i said clamping up

" Have you asked sarah out? " Alex asked me

" I dont like sarah " i said as alex kinda smiled

" Ethan, im sorry.." alex said as i smiled at her

" Hey, i know mikayla messed with our minds but im still your friend " i said as she smiled

I began walking away and i noticed alex smiled at me and i smiled back and i bumped into sarah and Alex's smile faded

" Hey, benny wants to talk to you " sarah said as she noticed alex sitting on the steps and she walked over to her

" You okay? " Sarah asked alex

" Yeah, i kissed benny and he rejected me " alex said

" You kissed ethan and he likes you " sarah said as alex got confused

" What? Ethan doesn't like me... he's never told me he likes me " alex said as sarah scoffed

" Because he's shy and a sweet guy...and if you can't see that then that's your problem " sarah said turning around

" Hey sarah " alex said as sarah turned around

" What? " Sarah said

" If you like him so much how come you haven't dated him yet....oh right, because your his babysitter " alex said as i got confused

" I dont like ethan like that " sarah said walking away as i smiled at the picture in my hand and sat down

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