part 27

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Mikayla's pov

Late at night me and rory were texting each other and sending each other Emojis, i know rory being a vampire is bad for me cause he could bite me...rory came over and we watched movies in my room as i laid my head on his legs

" Doug falconhawk is awesome " rory said as i gave him a weird look

" Doug falconhawk, sarah said he's a poser... he's never seen a vampire or ghost " i said as rory and me watched his show

" He's cool " rory said as he smiled and my friend jake walked into my room as me and rory got up and jake handed me my ipod

" Hi " jake said to rory as rory kinda smiled at jake

" Hi, im rory " rory said kinda smiling as i looked at jake who kinda smiled

" Im jake " jake said kinda smiling and putting his hands slowly in his pockets

" Your mikayla's friend? " Rory asked jake as i smiled awkwardly

" Im her brother's friend " jake said as rory smirked

" They were playing video games " i said as rory smiled

" Oh cool, can i play video games? " Rory asked jake as jake nodded and they went downstairs

Rory's pov

Me and jake played video games for a few hours downstairs, i looked at jake and he looked at me and smiled then went to use the bathroom as i smirked and seen mikayla sitting at the top of the stairs as i walked up to her

" Hey " Mikayla said

" Hi " i said smiling at her

" I dont like sarah " mikayla said

" Shes hot " i said as mikayla scoffed

" To you, i just " mikayla said as she stared at me and we both leaned in and kissed as we pulled away i smiled and seen jake

" I gotta go home, later " i said to jake as i left mikayla's house

During school me and mikayla sat together and did our school work as erica knocked on the door and flirted with benny as me and mikayla glanced at each other and got confused

After class me and mikayla walked through the halls and i seen ethan talking to sarah making mikayla jealous, Mikayla walked outside and i ran after her

" Mikayla! Mikayla, i wanna hang with you " i said as mikayla smiled sweetly

" Really? Your friends dont like me " mikayla said as i rolled my eyes

" My friends don't get you " i said as mikayla scoffed

" And you get me? " Mikayla asked

" Yeah, i get you and you get me " i said as Mikayla smiled and we walked to her house together

Me and mikayla watched movies as jake came downstairs and went to the kitchen

" Im gonna get us a snack " i said lying through my teeth as Mikayla smiled

I walked to the kitchen and jake smiled when he seen me as we talked and i passed out and went unconscious

Mikayla's pov

As rory walked to the kitchen i grabbed a frying pan and slowly walked up to him and hit him in the head as he went unconscious and jake smiled

" What? " I said as jake shook his head

" Nothing " jake said

" He hurt me, he choked me and buried me " i said as jake shook his head

" Hes your friend " jake said

Me and jake buried rory in my backyard as i smirked

Ethan's pov

Late at night me and benny were confused cause rory hadn't texted us all day, sarah came over and we texted rory and he ignored our texts. I walked to mikayla's house and she opened her door

" Hey ethan " mikayla said smiling

" Hey, where's rory? " I asked mikayla as she got confused

" What? " Mikayla asked me

" Where's rory? " I asked her

" I dont know " mikayla said as i rolled my eyes

" Whatever " i said as mikayla walked away and had Rory's phone in her pocket as i walked away

Sarah's pov

I walked behind mikayla's house and seen rory unconscious, he woke up and drank some blood from my cup and we walked home to Ethan's house

" Mikayla " i said as rory nodded his head

" I like her she's amazing " rory said as i rolled my eyes

" Rory! You like her cause shes hot...shes evil...mikayla doesnt love you " i said annoyed as rory seemed bummed out

Ethan's pov

The next morning at school their was a new student named alex she sat in front of me and her hair was wavy and blonde, she was really nice...during lunch rory and benny and sarah sat with us and we smiled

" Guys, this is alex...shes new " i said as alex smiled and rory flirted with her

" Your pretty " rory said flirtatiously

" Thanks, what's your name? " Alex asked rory

" Oh, this is rory and that's benny and sarah their my best friends " i said as alex smirked

" Cool, i gotta go " alex said walking away

" Shes nice, is she friends with Mikayla? " Sarah asked me

" Shes new, rory seems to like her " sarah said as we walked through the halls

" Rorys into every girl he sees...alex is cool " i said as i seen alex struggling to open her locker

" Alex? " I said as rory walked up to her and used his super strength to open her locker

" Sorry " rory said

" Wow, your really strong...i like that " alex said smiling and closing her locker and walking away as rory smiled at me and sarah

Later at home sarah was making dinner cause alex came over

" How do you like whitechapel? " I asked alex

" Its amazing, my friends are cool " alex said with a smile

" Your cool " i said as alex smiled at me and i smiled and sarah came in and her smile faded

" alex, wanna cook dinner with me? " Sarah asked alex as she nodded and walked away

Alex's pov

Me and sarah were cooking dinner as i got a text from rory, sarah seen me smile and read my text and giggled with a scoff

" Rory is into you " sarah said scoffing as i got confused

" Rorys into me? Hes my friend... doesn't he have a girlfriend? " I asked sarah as she shook her head

" He liked a girl and we didn't " sarah said

" Oh, cool " i said weirded out

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