Chapter 1 (Rewritten)

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Author POV

Nurin has only been out of college for two weeks. Nurin has an interview today. She, on the other hand was still asleep.
Nurin's mother entered the room and loudly knocked on her door for the third time. She was however still sleeping.
Nurin's mother Alia threatened, "If you don't get up, I'll pour water on you."

"Coming mom" Nurin shouted as she cautiously moved around her bed. "Alhamdulillah for a another day," she muttered as she awoke. She went to the bathroom took a shower and dried her hair before leaving. For an interview.

She look at the time she was shock she immediately put on headscarf, and walk out of her room. She came downstairs "salamalykum mom byeee I am running late" Nurin said running out of the house
"Nurin Come have breakfast then leave" Ali shouted
But she was gone already.

"God, help this girl she wakes up late and she's worried that she will be late" Alia said.

When Nurin arrived at the firm, she walked in. She stepped inside and told the receptionist her name; after receiving the information, she headed to the third floor.
She sat down and waited her turn because there was a line. She was summoned inside after ten minutes.

After 3 minutes of talking to her boss.

"Your inexperienced our company is new we need experience people" the old man replied
Nurin look at him "sir, how I am going to get experience if you won't allow me to work, let me  show you my work."
"Sorry, we can't risk it, we need experience employees" he reply closing her file.

Nurin nodded sadly and got up and left,
When she arrived at her car, she got inside
Mumbled "how am I going to get experience, if people like you won't allow me to work" Nurin was mad, many company's had been rejecting her because she's inexperienced.



When she arrived at her house, she double-checked to make sure it was hers because there were seven cars parked nearby that weren't ordinary cars. Automobiles that are quite expensive. She took a leisurely stroll towards her home. She walked into her house and opened the door. She entered the house and found her parents and a man in his fifties seated in the living room. "Salamalykum," Nurin murmured, noting that their gaze was drawn to her. Her mother stood up and approached her.
The man and her father both replied, "Walykumsalam."
Nurin's mother forced her to sit on a sofa next to her.

"Isn't she Nurin" the man said looking at her
"Yes she is" Nurins dad Nuh reply.
"Last time when I was here she was 9 years old. She grow into a beautiful women" the man name Mukhriz reply smiling at her.
Nurins parents look at her with their proud face.
"Of course we fed her, and she grew" Nuh said with a smile.
"Oh I forgot to introduce my self, I am Mukhriz khan your dad and i were bestfriends back in the day. I did once came to your house, you were little I don't know if you remembered" Mukhriz said looking at

"Did you just came from work " Mukhriz question
"No, she went to give an interview, she keeps getting rejected because she's inexperienced" Nuh said leaning back on the sofa.
"Nurin didn't you graduated with masters degree in
Architecture " Mukhriz said pulling his phone out.
"I did sir" she replies politely.

"My son company is looking for an architect, why don't you go there, I will tell him about you, you will definitely be accepted. I will give you my word, you can gain some experience there."
Nurins parents smiled to hear that "that would be great thank you Mukhriz" Nuh said
Mukhriz got up "I am getting late, I better be going, here this is my son company card, it has the information and the address good luck" Mukhriz said walking out.

End of chapter

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