Chapter 42

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Ahad shouted at Harraz  and step back he walk towards his car.


He heard the car horn

He quickly open his eyes, he step back from the road.
He look around Harraz wasn't here; all was a imagination that he was fighting with Harraz about Nurin. He sigh taking deep breath He slowly walk towards his car and sat inside.

He put his hands on his head "Astaghfirullah" (I seek forgiveness in god)

"Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah" he kept on saying.

He look up on the road "where are you Harraz?" He said standing up checking the time.
Harraz was suppose to be here but he's late.

Harraz was driving on the highway, he was tired of driving for straight eight hours. Slowly his eyes close for about second and


He had accident hitting the other car. His car roll over twice.

Mukhriz Harraz dad was having a meeting with other leaders in his office. "It's hard for me to decide...when it comes to Harraz holdings. It's too sentimental."

Stephan chuckle he was here to buy Harraz
Company. "But, it seems has been stagnant for months. Ever since Harraz disappeared, there hasn't been a single project." Stephan said leaning back on his chair.

Everyone else nodded "I'm sorry. I can't sell it. When Harraz comes back, he'll be upset with me. Besides, puan is away for umrah at the moment. She'll be back next week."

Stephan sigh "just sell the company, Mukhriz. I will-" he was cut off when Mukhriz phone started ringing.
Mukhriz hold up his hand to Stephan telling him to wait. He pick his phone and answer it.

"Hello....yes......WHAT?! may Allah have mercy on him. Where is he now? Okay, I'll come immediately." He cut call and immediately got up and look at Stephan and everyone else "I'm sorry. I've got to go. My son had an accident." He said rushing out of the room.


Ahad was in his car driving when his phone started ringing he answered.

Ahad: hello

Mukhriz: Ahad, Harraz has an accident! Come to the hospital now. I can't face all this alone. 

Ahad: ya Allah.....when did it happen?

Mukhriz: I don't know. But, they're saying that he is in serious condition. Please come immediately.

Ahad: ya Allah. Okay. Just relax and calm down ok I'm coming okay?

Mukhriz: yes, please hurry.

Ahad: all right.

Nurin braid her black hair and sit on her bed touching her heart "Why do I feel uneasy?"
She look at ouro, who was making sad noises.
She bend down and hugged her "do you miss your father?.....I miss him too." Her phone started ringing
"Wait ouro" she pick her phone and answer the phone.

Nurin: hello

Ahad: Nurin, don't panic.......but Harraz was involved in an accident.

Nurin gasp

Nurin: what? Are you serious? Where is he?

Ahad: he's in a hospital in Jaya that's 35 minutes away.

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