Chapter 41 - She's mine.

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Early update Again :)

Next day

Nurin pick a dark blue hijab and wrapped around her head securing it with pins. She look at her self in the mirror she was satisfied with the look. She turn around to ouro who was sitting on her bed making noises.

Nuirn Smile and sat near the bed cupped ouro's little face. "What's the matter with you today? Are you okay? I'm going to work for a while. Take care. Don't be naughty, okay?" She kissed the top of ouro head.

Nuirn came downstairs with her purse, keys in her hand "mother, I'm going to work." Alia walk up to her. "Yes? Nurin wait." Nurin turn to her "what's the matter?"

"How is it?" Alia question. Nurin look at her confused "what do you mean?"

"What's your decision?" Nurin look at her "what do you mean?" Alia glare at her "don't joke around like that. Don't take too long. They're waiting for you. It's going to be a problem."

"Later okay? I'm going to work now" she said hugging her and walking away faster.

"Are you really leaving?" Abdul haqq question looking at Harraz.

"Yes. But I'll be back"  "do come back, the door to my House is always open for you." Haqq said walking besides Harraz which they got outside.

"Harraz" Haqq said Harraz was putting his clothes in the car "yes"

"If you need anything, just let me know. I'm always here for you. Most importantly, Allah will always be with you." He turn to Haqq smiling "inshallah thank you, haqq thank you so much" he hugged Abdul haqq.

"Drive carefully. You'd better hurry. Who knows what time you'll reach Kuala Lumpur." They started laughing.

"Yes, coincidentally I'm going to the prayer meet the children first." Nooda nodded smiling.
"Let's go. I'll go with you" Abdul haqq said.

"Don't forget to come. I hope next time, you'll bring a 'friend'." Harraz and haqq laugh "inshallah. I'll be going now. Salam Alaikum"

"Wa Alaikum Salam" nooda reply as she watch them as they were gone.

Harraz later met all the children; they all came and hugged him tight saying there goodbyes.

Hugging and saying the last goodbye to Abdul haqq. Harraz started his journey back to where he belong.


Nurin was sitting in her office cabin when she look up Harraz was walking towards her. He was wearing his black suit. Smiling at her.
Nurin eyes widen her heart starting beating, she was running out of breath.

He was two inch away from her he stop in his place. Nurin look at him a smile came to her lips.

Suddenly her phone started ringing she came out of her thoughts she look around no body was there. She stood up turning looking around. At this point she knew again she was imagining it.

She felt disappointed she cover her face with her hands and fake cried.

"What's wrong with me"

Harraz came and sat near the imam's grave "imam...may you be placed among in pious. I will continue with my life. There will be may challenges to face. There will be many obstacles to overcome......" a tear left his eyes

"thank you, imam....for helping me find my way. All the knowledge you've passed on....with god's will, will continue to illuminate....the path that lies ahead of me."

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