Chapter 47

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Next day

After a long time Harraz was dress up and ready to go to office Today.
he pick his phone and call his mom.

Harraz: good morning, mother. I just want to remind you.....

Shahnaz: yes, harraz. I remember

Harraz: please help me, mother.

Shahnaz: I'll try, okay? You have to keep praying too.

Garraz: I really hope it'll work out.

Shahnaz: okay. Salam Alaikum

Nurin was driving she was on her way to a restaurant.

She was thinking about yesterday


Nuirn step back Harraz step forward toward her "I love you, Nurin. Since the first time we met." He said with honesty

Nurin blink a couple tears "Harraz" she said in low tone looking at him "I'm tired. I'm tired of your games." She pointed her finger at him tears were falling.

"I don't want to get hurt." She said softly shaking her head " I don't want to get hurt. That's all." Harrraz shake his head there this pain in her voice
He step close to her just a few inches away from her.

He had hurt her

He raise his hand to wipe her tears away.

Just then she walk away. Harraz just stood there.
With a broken heart, he was controlling his anger, emotions at the same time. A tear left his eyes.

Flashback ends.

She park her car and enter the restaurant the waitress guided her to the table. "Auntie" Nurin said hugging her. "Hi, Nuirn." Shanhnaz hugged her back
"Please have a seat." Nurin nodded and sat besides her.

"So, how's work?" Shahnaz question Nurin nodded "everything is okay, auntie." Shahnaz nodded smiling "do you like working at Harraz holdings?"

"If I didn't like it, I would've left ages ago. Everything is okay. No problem at all"

Shahnaz nodded looking around "let's place our order." "Okay"

After some time Shahnaz just talk about things here and there, their order arrived so they started eating.

Shahnaz was acting like she was eating, she didn't know how to ask  or even start the real conversation that why she invited Nuirn here.

She look at Nurin for a couple seconds and said "Nuirn."

Nuirn look up putting her fork down "yes."

"Please marry my son." She just blurted it out.
Nurin just stare at her "I know Harraz is bad and perhaps you don't like him. Maybe, you've never thought about marrying a man like Harraz. But....Please Nuirn accept Harraz's proposal."

Nurin look her hands and sad smile "auntie" Nurin said touching her own hijab and look at her "please don't do this to me. What if....I don't want to accept him? What if I can't accept him? It can't be forced."

Shahnaz smile "throughout my life.....this is the first time that Harraz has ever mentioned about marriage. That's why i know he's really serious. Harraz is my only son if I had lost him in the accident....I don't know what would've happened to me. I felt so relieved when he regained consciousness but, he's emotionally unstable. And if you don't accept his proposal I'm worried he may suffer emotional distress and his condition may worsen. Please, Nurin accept Harraz's proposal. I know, maybe this isn't fair for you" Shahnaz said taking Nurin's hand.

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