Chapter 12 - make coffee for me.

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Later that day

Nurin paid a visit to Nashrin Lee's store. They were conversing when they heard "Assalam Alaikum," and turned around to see a woman in her 40s approaching them.
Nashrin answered, "Walykumsalam."

"How are you" the women ask Nashrin
"Good, this is Hiba my wife" Nashrin introduced her,
"Salamalykum" Nurin said looking at the women
She smile at her "I don't know you, what's your name?" The women ask "I'm-" Nurin was cut by Nashrin "her name is Aressa"
"Aressa?" The women said Nashrin nodded
"That's a nice name" Nurin awkwardly smile.
"She's so pretty" the women said with smile.

Nashrin motioned for the women to have a seat with them and that he would deliver her order.

Later Nashrin came with her order, he handed her the order, she took it "thank you so much, Nashrin.
I do have my own boutique, but I just love to come here and ask Nashrin to design for me. Thank you so much" she said with smile

"it's my pleasure" Nashrin said
The women turn to Nurin "um...Aressa. Where do you work, Aressa?" Nashrin quickly replied "She works at memorial hospital, Lema " Nurin look at Nashrin like 'why are you lying' Hiba was controlling her laugh. "memorial hospital" Lema said
"So, is she a doctor?" "No, she works in administration"
"She's pretty enough to become a model." Lema smile and look at Nurin.
"No, Lema there nothing special about me. It's impossible for me to be a model." Nurin smile
Lema started laughing "are you shy.... anyway I have to go. Thank you so much again so I see you when I see you. OK bye everyone salamalykum"
She left

Nurin glare at Nashrin "Come here"
She said with a serious tone. Nashrin took a seat.
"you better tell me. Explain to me now!"
"NURIN, I just remembered that she is Ahad's mother." Nurin gasp "what? Ahad's mother?"
Nashrin nodded "oh my goodness, that was close."

Next day at work.

Nurin enters Harraz's office cabin after knocking on his door.
He was reading the newspaper while sitting on his couch.
"Why did you call me?" Harraz laid the paper on the table, stood up, and slid his hand into his pocket. Nurin took a step back as he approached, asking "Are you okay?" She nods keeping on a serious face.

"You look troubled." Nurin look at him in the eye and said "I'm okay. I'm not troubled. Alhamdulillah, i'm still alive...."
"But your face tells me otherwise. It's like you're still angry about yesterday."
Nurin smile "angry?.... why would I be? This is your company. It's your properties you're free to do whatever you like. I don't have a right at all. Right?"
"i'm glad you realize that." He said closing the distance between them.
"I know. Is there anything else?"
"So.... did you tell anyone about me?"
Nurin made a serious face "No."
"are you sure?" Harraz ask again
Harraz step closer "don't tell anyone"
Nurin step back, she look at him "I won't, okay? Is there anything else?" Harraz didn't answer but he was looking at her. "if there's nothing else. I would like to excuse myself." Nurin said and walk away.
Harraz sigh.

Next day at work

Nurin handed him some sketches she had produced earlier, and he was going through them. Suddenly, he pulled the paper to shreds and threw it in her face. Nurin was taken aback. "Can you tell me what this is?" Harraz was enraged.

"this is a silly sketch. I asked for a draft. Not this preschool Scribble!! I gave you a chance, so please be grateful, you're so lazy!"
Nurin took a deep breath, she control her tears.
"I'm sorry. I'll do it again." Nurin said innocently
She almost lost her voice.
"This evening!!" Nurin was shock that was impossible
"Is that a problem?"
"No I'll do it"
"Get out!" Nurin quickly walk away.

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