Chapter 44- Pain in three hearts.

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That same day - continued

After Sara leaving the office Mukhriz call up a meeting with everyone. He now was in the conference room with everyone who works in Harraz holdings.

"Salam Alaikum I'm sorry to all of you. Due to circumstances beyond our've all been left in the lurch like this. we know, Harraz khan is in coma" everyone look at Mukhriz with a sympathetic look slowly nodding.

"He's still in the hospital, unconscious. Let's pray...for his swift recovery, be healthy....and that he'll be able to work again as usual, inshallah. And for your information, Eric has resigned....and Ash will be transferred to other company. To Handle the project over there. So Haziq" Mukhriz pointed towards "from HM architecture, will be our senior architect here. So, all of you can refer to him. Our operation will be proceed as usual...starting from today. Does everybody understand?" Everyone nodded


At hospital

Harraz open his eyes look around every were was white with light and noor. He look down at his self he was wearing a white clothes. He look up at the sky he immediately shut his eyes because of the brightness. He slowly look at his right....white only white he could see with....angels.

Harraz fingers slowly moved little by little. He slowly open his eyes and touch his head that was hurting a lot. He slowly put his hand back in his place he look around the room no body was here.

He heard the room door opening slowly, he quickly shut his eyes. He heard steps that was coming close to him.

"Salam Alaikum Harraz" Harraz heard Ahad's voice
And he touch harraz feet comfortably.

Ahad step back and put his hands in his pockets. "I have Good news for you today. I've made Sara leave your Company. Later slowly, I'll work on clearing your name." He sad chuckle

"You can just relax....." he sat on the bed slowly

Ahad was being emotional "and another thing it's okay......I'll let go of Nuirn for you."Ahad tears were falling out "because.....because as much as....I'm in love with her. She's more in love with you." A smal sob left his mouth but he quickly covered it.

No body knew what pain was Ahad going through. "And...." Ahad sad chuckle again "I don't want to compete with you. I always end up Losing" Ahad cover his face with his hands " have to wake up....even though I lover her so much." He sobbed again a pain in voice. "I love her I love her so much I will leave her" tears started falling out of harraz eyes
Even though his eyes were close.

"I will leave her for you." After a moment Ahad wiped his tears and look up seeing Harraz's tears.
He froze and lean close to him "can you hear me?"

After a moment Harraz open his eyes looking at Ahad slowly nodding.

Ahad immediately got up from his place he lean close to him he was shock. He even forgot about his feelings "are you okay?" Harraz just stare at him he nodded

"Alhamdulillah" Ahad said looking around in happiness.

He laugh and sat next to him "you've traveled quite far. Where are you?" Ahad question.

"I-I had-had the c-chance to meet a few angels." He slowly said.

Ahad started laughing. "I miss you bro."

"I -I miss you too Ahad. You're one of the people I've missed the most. When are -we going to the gym?" Harraz said

Ahad laugh "what?" Harraz slowly laugh with him.
"When you're discharged, okay?"

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