Chapter 13 - she's my fiancé. 

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Nurin got up and started walking when she heard "Nurin" and turned around to see Ahad. "Hello, Ahad," she said.

"Hello," Ahad said. Both of them were beaming. Nurin is always at ease in his presence for some reason. "It's been a long time since I've seen you." Nurin remarked

"that's right. Did you miss me?" Nurin laugh "are you here too see the boss?"
Ahad nodded "yes, we need to talk. Anyway, it's lunch hour. Why don't we eat together? It's been quite a while."

"Don't worry. We won't be alone." Ahad said softly.

"Who else is coming?" Nurin question
Just then they heard "Ahad, let's go" they turn around to see Harraz coming.

"I......I..." Nurin was attempting to come up with a reason not to go. Harraz takes a close look at her. "when she's hesitant that's a No. So if you want her to come. You've to carry her." Nurin give him a 'are you serious' look "really?" Ahad said
Harraz nodded with smirk.

Ahad look at Nurin, "please, we haven't talked in a while. Would you like me to carry you?"
Harraz started laughing. "No, I can walk let's go."
Ahad nodded with smile. Harraz and Ahad started walking, Nurin slowly follow them behind.

Later they were eating food at the restaurant, when Nurin said "do you want to know something?" Ahad nodded

"Okay, here's the thing. This story isn't that new or exciting. But, it was like in a drama but this time I saw it happen in real life. It was like right in front of my eyes. It was so funny."

Nurin was describing how Harraz had been slapped by a woman. Ahad was leaning back in his chair, watching Nurin talk.
Harraz was enraged at the time. Hearing Nurin describe about Harraz's smack made Ahad giggle.

Then a woman approached their table.

"Hello Ahad khan" she said making Ahad shock
"Why? Have you forgotten about me? I've just arrived look at your phone. I called you so many time, I waited in Florida like crazy person."

"Wana" Ahad said getting up

"Are you seeing someone else? Who's this" she pointed at Nurin. "In this the sort of women you're interested in? She's not even pretty. I can't accept it if you've chosen her. Is this about her, Ahad?"

Ahad didn't know what to say
"No. Actually she's...." Ahad look at Nurin
"She's my fiancé" Harraz said standing up, and sitting next to Nurin.

"What? Your fiancé. Harraz?"

"Yes, we got engaged"
"I can't believe how much your taste has changed. I'm sorry to say this but she's not beautiful, she's all cover up." Nurin glare at Ahad, while Harraz was enjoying the moment looking at Nurin.

'How rude!' Nurin thought.

"Well. People change. Beautiful or not, what's important is that I have chosen her, So?" Harraz said looking nurin in the eyes.

When Ahad awoke from his thoughts, he yanked Wana aside and said, "Let's talk outside," and they walked outside.
Harraz and Nurin exchange glances. Awkward silence reigned in between them.

Ahad look at wana "I... I'll be honest I can't go out with you anymore." " but you told me we'd take it to the next level when I return."

"I know but... a persons heart can change at any time."
Wana sigh "are you seeing someone else?"
"Yes but no one specific."

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