Chapter 34 - Meeting Harraz

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Early update :)

In the restaurant, Ahad sat in front of Kasih.

"after the incident in Harraz's office. I started thinking i desperate....and very foolish." Ahad started laughing.

"For fighting over a guy like Harraz. That's true. If it's just his looks and wealth. Hello! What do I Have less?" Ahad nodded "that's true."

"And then.....I went home and I was stressed out for a few days. My thoughts we're all jumped up...and I went blank. Well, I was in love with Harraz khan. But as you know, he's such a hardcore playboy. Now, I think he's getting what he deserves. It's Karma And he deserves it." She said sipping her drink.

"So, you've heard?" Ahad said Leaning back on his chair. She nodded "of course I have. You know how Sara likes to talk. I think she and Harraz are suitable for each other. Very suitable....because both of them are equally terrible. So, they are meant for each other. "

Ahad sigh "that's normal, I used to be naughty too."
Kasih started laughing "you weren't as bad as he was. He was horrendous!"

Ahad shake his head "Anyway, let's talk about you. What made you decide to wear hijab? Is it because of fashion trend?" Kasih smile "it's long story....but, this Change of mine of for good. I've made a lot of mistakes in the past."

Ahad nodded she continued "and I think is the time for me to change. So anyway, Are you still single...or "

"Me? How do I put this? I'm not exactly taken, but I'm not single either, so it's like...the status on Facebook, we'd say it's complicated. And you" he said smiling.

"I'm single, but at the moment I'm considering my options." She stare at him Ahad look away smiling.


Ariana enter Nurin's room and sat on her bed
Where Nurin was packing "where are you going?" She question

"Can you mind your own business? Can you?" Ariana roll her eyes laying on her bed "are you running away like Harraz?" Nurin look up at her "watch your mouth!"

Ariana look at her nails "well, you're packing up all of a sudden. Where are you going?"

Nurin sigh "ya Allah, I've work to do! Don't be such a busybody! Don't be meddlesome! Don't ask too many questions!" Nurin said annoyingly

Ariana smirk "are you going with Harraz?" Nurin Touch her head "please don't make your own assumptions."
"Then, who are you going with? Ahad?"

Nurin took deep breath "why are you asking so many  questions?" Ariana got up and walk around Nurin's room "where are you going? Can't you just tell me?"

"It's a secret" Ariana walk to Nurin "where? Tell me I want to know."

"Ya Allah! Quiet!! ......Kedah!" Nurin almost shouted at her

"I guess your on your period Look at you, anyway Kedah? Why are you going there?" "I've got work to do! Don't you understand!"

Ariana step back "okay, does it have something to do with Harraz?" Nurin didn't reply she look down

"Why is he in Kedah?" "I don't know." Nurin admitted "okay. That's all right. Anyway Nurin" she came close and touch her shoulders

"All the best and good luck." Nurin push her back "thank you." Ariana walk away but she turn around and said "take care of yourself in kedah. You will be alone and you're a women. That's dangerous."

She step back inside of her room "okay you want my help?" Ariana said messing with her clothes on purpose.

"No" Nurin said holding her wrist
"It's alright"

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