Chapter 20

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Next day

Eva was standing near Harraz desk in his office.
"Do I have an appointment?" Harraz ask looking at her "None so far. But, I think everyone's edgy right now."

"Regarding the eco-city project?" Harraz question Eva nodded "yes, actually I worried too. But I believe in Nurin's design." Harraz got up, Eva step back "I'm going to meet them. But, I'll probably head home after that." Eva nodded
Both walk out of the office room.

He had left his phone on his desk and had forgotten about it.


Nurin, Sara, Eric, Ash and the rest of their team were in the conference room Talking about the designs.

"It can save a little space right?" Nurin said, just then Harraz enter the room. "So, how's the project going?" He question standing by Ash.

Eric nodded "good" "will the results be out today?" Ash question, Harraz look at him "yes"

"Can we get it Mr. Harraz?" Nurin question looking at him.
"Not to worry so much, I'm confident we'll get it this time." "I'm confident, too. It was designed by Nurin after all. It's really rare." Eric said, Sara roll her eyes. "Can a rare design like this be accepted?"

"this time, I'm confident... they'll choose the rarest design." "It'll be great if my first design ever can make it." Nurin said with smile
Everyone nodded "okay, get back to work"
Everyone got up and collected their paper and started leaving.

Harraz's gaze was fixed on Nurin.
She approached him and pointed to his hand. Her documents were under his hands. Nurin leans in and takes the papers as he slowly removes his hand. Nurin looks up and smiles at him before walking away.


Sara came out to the parking lot, she call Dato and told him something. Sara then ended the call and walk back inside evil smirking.

When it came time to leave, everyone began to leave the building slowly. Nurin and Eva were the only two people in the workplace at the time. Nurin was still working on the project when her phone rang; she put down her pencil and picked up the phone.

Nurin: salamalykum

Dato: walykumsalam Nurin, are you still in the office?

Nurin: yes, i am why Dato?

Dato: has Harraz left yet? I need to speak with him. It's very important about eco-city project.

Nurin: um have you tired calling him?

Dato: yes, many times But there's no answer. Can you please let me speak with him?

Nurin: I'll check if he's still here.

Just then Eva was passing by Nurin call her "Eva...just a moment." Eva walk toward her, Nurin muted the call. "Has Mr. Harraz left yet?" Eva nodded

"yes. Why?"

"Dato Khalid wants to speak with him. But he's not answering his phone," Eva made sad face

"He must have forgotten his phone. He always does that. Is it important? Let me speak with Dato" Nurin pass the phone to her.

Eva: hello Dato this is Eva..... oh okay okay alright don't worry thank you

She cut the call Nurin look at her "what is it?"

"Ah, it's like this. Dato wants Mr. Harraz to collect an important file from him. But since Mr Harraz isn't around, he wants you to go and collect it. You must hurry because it has to be submitted in two days."

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