Chapter 49

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2 weeks later

"Ahad you okay?" Lema ask, Ahad look up at her nodding. "If everyone agrees, they'll be engaged for two months. If everything goes well. Let's hope that everything goes well." Mukhriz said.

Today everyone was at Nurin's house, including Ahad and his parents. They decided to make the engagement small just them and the families together. Harraz wasn't here, he was at home.

Akad Nikah (Solemnisation) is a ceremony to hand the bride away. It is headed by a Wali, who is customarily the father of the bride. This matrimonial ritual is done in the presence of two witnesses and an Islamic official, a Kadi. Before starting, the Kadi is to summon the bride and get her consensus for the marriage.

"Shahnaz, haven't you decided on a date?" Alia question. Shahnaz nodded with smile "dont worry, Mrs Alia. We also don't want to prolong the engagement." Alia nodded "just a moment"

Alia turned around and called her daughter "Nurin come down."

Nurin walked downstairs with Hiba holding her hand and Ariana by her side. In her red rose dress and hijab, she looked very stunning. Everyone eyes were on her. Nurin sat next to her mother.

Shahnaz and Lema got up from there spots and sat near Nurin

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Shahnaz and Lema got up from there spots and sat near Nurin. Shahnaz smile at her, Nurin forward her hand then Shahnaz put the ring on her hand.

Shahnaz kissed her and said "inshallah you'll be the best daughter in law" Nurin smile nodding.

"I don't mind that you're not going to be my daughter in law. But, please be....the best wife to my nephew, of course." Lema said smiling.

Ahad saw her in that dress she look like absolutely beautiful. He heard what his mother said to Nurin. He smile about it. Nurin look up her eyes met Ahad's. Ahad quickly hide his expression and he fake smile at her and look down.



Harraz pick his phone and call Nuirn

Harraz: Salam Alaikum my future wife.

Nurin: wa Salam Alaikum my future husband.

Harraz: I called to let you know that I'm...excited and I'm a little bit worried.

Nurin: why are you worried?

Harraz: well, I'm going to hold quite a big responsibility. I'll Become your imam...and guide you to heaven. (He smirk)

Nurin: then, you don't feel confident?

Harraz: that's not it. It's just that...I need your support. You have to obey me.

Nurin: well, not if you're going wrong. No right...

'Just wait I will will be punished Mr. harraz...' she thought to self and smirk.

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