Chapter 19

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Nurin was sitting on her bed thinking about the incident that happened earlier, she came out of her thoughts when Harraz phone started ringing.

Yes Harraz phone was with her.

She saw the name, it was Ahad she didn't know what to do? Should she answer or not. But she answered

Nurin: Salam Alaikum

Ahad: walykumsalam (Ahad look at the number to make sure he call Harraz not Nurin)

Who's this? Did I get the wrong number?

Nurin: no it's me, Nurin.

Ahad: oh but, isn't this Harraz's phone? Are you with him? Are you okay??

Nurin: yes I'm okay. But it's long story we went for a site visit just now.

Ahad: oh, surely it's over by now?

Nurin: how do I explain it to you? We were stranded because of the flood. So, we can't go home.

Ahad: what? So where are you now?

Nurin: we're at the village chief's house. I'll pass the phone to Harraz. Can I? You speak to him.

Ahad: okay so there's just the two of you now?

Nurin: it would be better if you spoke to him. I'll pass the phone to him.

She got out of bed, wrapped herself in a jacket, and walked out of her room. He was standing near the balcony, she saw.

"Mr. Harraz" she call him, he turn Around and came forward "Ahad is on the line" he came and took the phone from her. She was about to walk away

When she hear him say "I'm really sorry" she look at him "I didn't mean to do that." He added.

She fake smile

"No problem" and quickly walk away.

On this side Ahad was the phone he heard them.
He felt jealous mad. He knew he must of did something inappropriate to her.

Harraz: hey Ahad

Ahad: Harraz that's Nurin you know. You can't treat her like any other women.

Harraz: No, don't be silly. I'll explain to you when I get back.

Ahad: are you sure?

Harraz: sure Ahad, besides there are others in the house.

Ahad took deep breath he sound relieve

Ahad: I really Panicked but I'm relieved now.

Harraz: I've a stomachache. I'll call you back later.

Ahad: okay bye

Ahad disconnected the call, "can Harraz be trusted?" He said sitting down. "No, he wouldn't try anything with Nurin."

Next day

Nurin and the auntie made breakfast and sat it on the floor in the early morning. Harraz appeared at the very moment.

"Harraz how was your sleep last night?" The auntie ask with smile. Nurin didn't look at him.
Ahmad came along and sat down on the floor.

"Must be uncomfortable for you?" She added.

"It was alright. I slept like a log." Everyone smile.

"That's why I didn't wake you for fajr prayer." She said, Harraz eyes met Nurin. Nurin knows he doesn't pray at all. Harraz look embarrassed "oh...ah we'll be leaving soon." Nurin nodded "have your breakfast first. Why don't you leave after lunch?" Ahmad said

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